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Building physical and emotional safety during early adolescence

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
bisp.pol.title:Budowanie poczucia bezpieczeństwa fizycznego i emocjonalnego w okresie wczesnej adolescencji
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Aufbau physischer und emotionaler Sicherheit in der frühen Jugend
Autor:Nowacka–Dobosz, Sylwia; Pokorska, Marta; Gala-Kwiatkowska, Anna; Wójcik, Katarzyna
Erschienen in:Fides et ratio
Veröffentlicht:37 (2019), S. 6-18, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online)
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Abstract des Autors

An important point in the methodology of conducting educational classes is the safety of participants, both physical and emotional. The task of the teacher who conducts the classes is to build trust, emotional bond, as well as skilful teaching children to set their own boundaries. A child who lives with a sense of emotional and physical safety is more likely to experiment, experience and form relationships with others, which at later stages of his or her lives may result in better quality of social contacts. Such a child will become an adult who will be able to set boundaries, will not take actions that are good and safe for them and those that lead to the reduction of their social role. The introduction of the activities which provide students with the sense of safety, especially during early adolescence, should be a priority for the teacher-student relationships. The use of creative methods based on physical activity in education becomes a tool to support the development of students and build a sense of security.