Recent advances in doping analysis (23) : Proceedings of the Manfred-Donike-Workshop ; 33rd Cologne Workshop on Dope Analysis ; 1st to 6th March 2015

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Aktuelle Fortschritte in der Dopinganalyse (23) : Proceedings zum Manfred Donike Workshop ; 33. Kölner Workshop zur Dopinganalyse ; 1. bis 6. März 2015
Herausgeber:Schänzer, Wilhelm; Thevis, Mario; Geyer, Hans; Mareck, Ute
Veröffentlicht:Köln: Sportverl. Strauß (Verlag), 2015, 302 S., 1 CD-ROM; USB Flash Drive, Lit.
Ausgabe:1. Aufl.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Monografie
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (Datenträger)
Dokumententyp: Sammelband Tagungsband
ISBN:9783868840414, 3868840419
Schriftenreihe:Recent advances in doping analysis, Band 23
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Abstract des BISp

Der 33. Manfred Donike Workshop für Dopinganalyse fand vom 01. bis 06. März 2015 in Köln statt. Der im selben Jahr veröffentlichte Kongressband enthält die folgenden Autoren und ihre Beiträge: 1. Mazzarino, M.; Torre, X. de la: Khevenhüller, F.; Iannone, M.; Palermo, A.; Botrè, F.: Effects of antifungals on the circadian fluctuation of the markers of the "steroid profile”. An in vivo study. 2. Sobolevsky, T.; Dudko, G.; Rodchenkov, G.: Improved detection of steroid sulfate conjugates using LC-MS/MS with paired-ion electrospray (PIESI) ionization. 3. Sobolevsky, T.; Rodchenkov, G.: Detection of epitrenbolone glucuronide and cysteinyl conjugate of trenbolone may provide better retrospectivity of trenbolone abuse. 4. Beotra, A.; Dubey, S.; Kaur, T.; Singh, A.; Yadav, S.; Jain, S.: Best practices for running a PT program as per ISO/IEC 17043:2010 standard: Accreditation of NDTL-PT Scheme. 5. Ouellet, A.; Lalonde, K.; LeBerre, N.; Séguin, F.; Ayotte, C.: Two-dimensional purification of low concentration analytes in urine for carbon isotope ratio analysis. 6. Paolis, E. de; Torre, X. de la; Mazzarino, M.; Botrè, F.: Relevance of cyclodextrins on the doping control field: potential masking effects and their detection in biological fluids. 7. Dong, V.; Ma, Y.; Yan, K.; Xu, V.: Determination of mannitol in human urine by LC-MS/MS for sports drug testing. 8. Nimker, V.; Jamal, H.; Lal, R.; Ghosh, P.C.; Jain, S.; Beotra, A.: Liposomes: Factors affecting interaction of liposomes with doping agents. 9. Upadhyay, A.; Dubey, S.; Dubey, S.; Priyadarshi, R.; Beotra, A.; Shukla, S.; Jain, S.: A preliminary study on the endogenous glucocorticoids profile in human urine by UPLC-MS/MS: effect of synthetic glucocorticoids. 10. Sobolevsky, T.; Dikunets, M.; Rodchenkov, G.: Metabolism study of GSK4112, SR9009, and SR9011, new "exercise-in-a-pill” drug candidates. 11. Mazzone, R.; Botrè, F.; Capodaglio, M.; Torre, X. de la; Fiacco, l.; Mazzarino, M.: An in vitro investigation on the phase I and phase ll metabolism of aminoalkylindoles. Selection of the most appropriate marker(s) of misuse. 12. Sobolevsky, T.; Dikunets, M.; Dudko, G.; Rodchenkov, G.: Metabolism study of the selective androgen receptor modulator LGD-4033. 13. Sobolevsky, T.; Dikunets, M.; Rodchenkov, G.: Newcomers to the synthetic cannabinoid family: detection of major metabolites in urine. 14. He, C.; Shen, L.; Zhang, L.; Zhou, X.; Xu, Y.: Comparison of five immunoassays for the detection of human chorionic gonadotropin. 15. Zhou, X.; Zhao, Y.; He, C.; Xu, Y.; Wu, M.: Serum MiRNAs as the Potential Biomarker for Doping Analysis of Steroids. 16. He, C.; Wu, M.; Hu, Y.; Zhou, X.; Shen, L.; Zhang, L.; Xu, Y.: Circulating microRNAs as biomarkers of human growth hormone administration: microassay analysis. 17. Cocchiola, C.; Botrè, F.; Torre, X. de la; Mazzarino, M.: Detection of intact insulins in biological fluids by LC-ESI-MS/MS following protein precipitation, ultra filtration and immunoaffinity chromatography purification. 18. Castro, J.L.; Martucci, M.E.P.; Dos Santos, G.R.; Carneiro, G.R.; Da Costa, G.C.; Sardela, V.F.; Pereira, H.M.; Aquino Neto, F.R.: Peptides in doping control: screening, confirmation, validation protocols and stability results. 19. Parrotta, G.; Botrè, F.; Torre, X. de la; Mazzarino, M.: A multi-analyte procedure to detect small peptides in urine by LC-MS/MS following solid phase extraction. 20. Donati, F.; Conte, C.; Tonelli, F.; Stampella, A.; Pirri, D.; Torre, X. de la; Botrè, F.: Effects of local injections of platelet rich plasma (PRP) on serum levels of markers used for the detection of growth hormone doping. 21. Rodrigues Tavares, A.S.; Ruivo, J.; Montes de Oca Porto, R.; Martinez Brito, D.; Torres, M.: Characteristics of IEF patterns, SDS-PAGE and SAR-PAGE: result of Cuban rEPO biosimilar. 22. Desharnais, P.; Chapot, R.; Naud, J.; Ayotte, C.: Comparative study of the EPO-immunoaffinity approaches used for anti-doping control purposes. 23. Tretzel, L.; Thomas, A.; Sköld, K.; Zeeberg, D.; Schänzer, W.; Thevis, M.: Improvement of the stability of Synacthen® in Dried Blood Spots by means of heat stabilization. 24. Tangvisethpat, C.; Grainger, J.; Goebel, C.; George, A.V.: Comparison of low volume quantifiable blood sampling kits. 25. Pereira, L.; Ramos, S.; Paixão, P.; Horta, L.; Ruivo, J.: ls the strategy of Biological Passport changing the behaviour of elite athletes in Portugal? 26. Okano, M.; lkekita, A.; Kageyama, S.: Steroid profiles and alcohol marker ethyl glucuronide in Japanese athletes. 27. Forsdahl, G.; Johnsgaard, T.; Geisendorfer, T.; Kainzbauer, J.; Gmeiner, G.: Evaluation of the influence of grapefruit juice on the endogenous urinary steroid profile. 28. Sobolevsky, T.; Dikunets, M.; Dudko, G.; Rodchenkov, G.: 3-Oxo-4-azasteroids with purported anabolic activity: detection in urine and influence on steroid profile. 29. Zorio, M.; Pop, A.; Danila, M.; Pop, V.: Development and validation of a method for steroid profile using gas chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. 30. LeBerre, N.; Laloride, K.; Ouellet, A.; Séguin, F.; Ayotte, C.: From cleanup and analysis to data compilation: carbon isotope ratio determination of 19-norandrosterone origin in athlete's urine samples. 31. Dong, Y.; Yan, K.; Ma, Y.; Wang, S.: An improved LC-MS/MS method to quantify ephedrines in human urine and elimination of the matrix effects. 32. Yan, K.; Ma, Y.; Shen, L.; Xu, Y.; Dong, Y.: Confirmation of furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide and ACB in human urines by LC-MS/MS with full or product ion scan mode. 33. Balgimbekova, K.; Nurpeisov, N.; Talbaev, T.: A simple quantification and confirmation of 11-nor-∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (THC-COOH) in urine by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution orbitrap mass spectrometry analysis. 34. Wicka, M.; Chołbiński, P.; Kowalczyk, K.; Grucza, K.; Michalak, D., Stańczyk, D.; Kwiatkowska, D.: Detection of synthetic cannabinoids in urine by LC/MS/MS. 35. Esquivel, A.; Balcells, G.; Pozo, O.J.; Gómez, C.; Kotronoulas, A.; Joglar, J.; Segura, J.; Ventura, R.: New LC-MS/MS screening for methyltestosterone: direct detection of phase I and phase ll metabolites in urine. 36. Georgakopoulos, C.; Mikros, E.; Fragkaki, A.G.; Kostidis, S.; Tsantili-Kakoulidou, A.; Moumouzas, J.; Lyris, E: Screening of designer steroids by NMR/Pattern recognition. 37. Pootrakronchai, R.; lnthong, T.; Kaewklum, M.; Saardpun, N.; Panan, S.; Kusamran, T.; Kongpatanakul, S.: Method validation for routine screening of 145 WADA prohibited substances by LC-MS/MS. 38. Chołbiński, P.; Wicka, M.; Kowalczyk, K.; Grucza, K.; Michalak, D., Stańczyk, D.; Kwiatkowska, D.: Discrimination of phenyl ring positional isomers of methylmethcathinone by LC/MS/MS. 39. Kazlauskas, R.; Goebel, C.: Androst-3,5-diene-7,17-dione in supplements and its urinary metabolite. 40. Krug, O.; Thomas, A.; Walpurgis, K.; Piper, T.; Sigmund, G.; Schänzer, W.; Thevis, M.: Mass spectrometric analysis of black market products with suspiciously doping relevant ingredients by HPLC-(HR)MS, GC-(HR)MS, ICP-MS, and 1D-gel electrophoresis-UPLC-MSn. 41. Kaewklum, M.; Kaewklum, S.; Pootrakronchai, R.; Kusamran, T.; Wilairat, P.; Chatsiricharoenkul, S.; Kongpatanakul, S.: Incidence of Mitragynine from urine samples at NDCC, Bangkok. 42. Sobolevsky, T.; Dikunets, M.; Rodchenkov, G.: Use of meldonium (Mildronate) and emoxypine (Mexidol) by Russian athletes: a prevalence study. 43. Sobolevsky, T.; Dikunets, M.; Rodchenkov, G.: Identification of an unknown compound with claimed HIF activity in a black market product. 44. Cuervo, D.; Martín-Navas, P.; Saavedra, M.J.; García, L.; Aguilera, R.: An overview of doping-related arrests in Spain during 2014: statistics and analysis conducted by the Doping Control Laboratory in Madrid. 45. Piper, T.; Thevis, M.; Geyer, H.; Schäfer, M.; Kienbaum, P.; Schänzer, W.: Measuring xenon in blood and urine for doping control purposes. 46. Agon, V.V.; Simpson, J.; Hall, S.; Goebel, C.: An unusual case of a plasma volume expander - Dextran (?). 47. Dib, J.; Schlörer, N.; Schänzer, W.; Thevis, M.: Studies on the collision-induced dissociation of adipoR agonists after electrospray ionization and their implementation in sports drug testing. 48. Tsivou, M.; Giannadaki, E.; Georgakopoulos, D.; Van Eenoo, P.; Hooghe, F.; Van Gansbeke, W.; Botrè, F.; de la Torre, X.; Mazzarino, M.; Donati, F.; Lyris, E.; Georgakopoulos, C.: Optimization of the synthesis of the chemical stabilization mixture of urine samples with simultaneous minimization of analytical matrix interferences. 49. Görgens, C.; Guddat, S.; Orlovius, A.K.; Sigmund, G.; Thomas, A.; Thevis, M.; Schänzer, W.: “Dilute-and-Inject” multi-target screening assay for highly polar doping agents using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography high resolution/high accuracy mass spectrometry (HILIC-HRMS) for sports drug testing. 50. Guddat, S.; Görgens, C.; Dib, J.; Geyer, H.; Schänzer, W.; Thevis, S.: Mildronate (Meldonium) in professional sports — monitoring doping control urine samples using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography - high resolution / high accuracy mass spectrometry. 51. Goebel, C.; Grainger, J.; Clarke, E.: My Robot ll: the next step in automation. 52. Ventura, R.; Metabosch, X.; Monfort, N.; Pozo, O.J.; Monfort, J.; Llorente-Onaindia, J.; Segura, J.: Urinary profiles of corticosteroids after intra-articular and related administrations. 53. Tretzel, L.; Thomas, A.; Geyer, H.; Delahaut, P.; Schänzer, W.; Thevis, M.: Determination of Synacthen® in Dried Blood Spots for doping control analysis using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. 54. Athanasiadou, I.; Valsami, G.; Voss, S.; Kraiem, S.; Vonaparti, A.; El Saftawy, W.; Al Saadi, K.; Alwahaibi, A.; Aljaber, A.; Dokoumetzidis, A.; Muhammad-Ali, V.; Adel, A.; Alsayrafi, M.; Georgakopoulos, C.: Influence of athletes’ hyperhydration on sample collection procedure in terms of urine pharmacokinetics of representative prohibited substances. 55. Polet, M.; Van Gansbeke, W.; Hooghe, F.; Van Eenoo, P.: Increasing the sensitivity of gas chromatography — triple quadrupole mass spectrometry by using chemical ionization. 56. Nair, V.; Cox, H.; Campbell, T.; Eichner, D.: Tracing adverse analytical findings to mislabeled underground products. 57. Geldof, L.; Lootens, L.; Tudela, E.; Morthier, W.; Deventer, K.; Van Eenoo, P.: In vitro metabolism studies of black market products. 58. Lootens, L.; Geldof, L.; Meuleman, P.; Leroux-Roels, G.; Botrè, F.; Deventer, K.; Van Eenoo, P.: Metabolic study of methyldienolone, methyltrienolone and MENT using human liver microsomes and humanized mice. 59. de la Torre, X.; Rosati, L.; Curcio, D.; Colamonici, C.; Molaioni, F.; Jardines, D.; Botrè, F.: Mass spectrometric analysis of androstenedione in doping analysis. 60. Gmeiner, G.; Forsdahl, G.; Tretzel, L.; Thevis, M.; Geisendorfer, T.; Erceg, D.: Detection of testosterone esters in blood samples. 61. Jan, N.; Michelot, H.; Marclay, F.; Esseiva, P.; Saugy, M.: Profiling of customs seized drugs containing testosterone. 62. Rzeppa, S.; Heinrich, G.; Humpf, H.; Hemmersbach, P.: Analysis of anabolic androgenic steroids as sulfate metabolites using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. 63. Balcells, G.; Pozo, O.J.; Esquivel, A.; Gomez, C.; Segura, J.; Rosa, V.: Towards a more comprehensive and simple method to screen for exogenous anabolic steroids in sport. 64. Van Renterghem, P.; Esposito, S.; Deventer, K.; Van Eenoo, P.: Stability of the alternative steroid profile (ASP). Part III: influence of ACTH and corticosteroids on alternative steroid profiles. 65. Brooker, L.; Edey, C.; Medojevic, N.; Tjoa, J.; Goebel, C.: Recent trends in “workplace” AAS testing at the Australian Sports Drug Testing Laboratory (ASDTL).