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Sportinio rengimo valdymo tendencijos priešolimpiniais metais : 2007 ir 2011 metų trenerių veiklos lyginamoji analizė

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Tendenzen der Kontrolle des sportlichen Trainings während der vorolympischen Jahre : Analyse der Traineraktivität in den Jahren 2007 und 2011
Autor:Karoblis, Povilas; Poteliuniene, Sniegina; Raslanas, Algirdas; Steponavicius, Kazys; Petkus, Einius; Žilinskienė, Ramunė
Erschienen in:Sporto mokslas
Veröffentlicht:2011, 2=64, S. 11-15, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1392-1401, 2424-3949
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The goal of the research was to survey, analyze and estimate activity of Lithuanian Olympic team candidates’ coaches and means for sports training. With reference to the analysis of coaches’ activity during the third year of Beijing and London Olympic cycles it was aimed to reveal organizational, methodical and scientific peculiarities of sports training when preparing to London Olympic Games. Coaches, who worked with Olympic team athletes, were surveyed in years 2007 and 2011 (year 2007 n = 49; year 2011 n = 26). The methods of questionnaire, analysis of coaches’ reports, and interview were applied. Descriptive statistics method was employed as well. Absolute and percentage values were calculated. Chi-square criterion (x2) was applied to verify non-parametric hypotheses. Differences were considered to be statistically significant when p < 0.05. Received data lead to a statement that many indices of coaches’ activity, when comparing the third year of Beij ing and London Olympic cycles, are comparable but tendencies of significant decline have been registered as well: fewer coaches had discussed plan models in coaches’ councils and analyzed training loads of preparatory period while comparing them to previous season; fewer centralized camps with medics’ and scientists’ participation were organized; coaches were more passive in participating in scientific methodical conferences, seminars, and discussions. Significant positive changes were identified only in those cases when coaches evaluated athletes’ provision with high quality specific equipment and sportswear. Research data also lead to a statement that the weakest elements in elite coaches’ activity, when preparing athletes for London Olympic Garnes, remain: insufficient medical and scientific care in camps; filling the daybook of Lithuanian Olympic team athlete; analyses of athlete’s psychological state and evaluation of athlete’s state of health and physical state during competition period; insufficient sponsorship and absence ofprecise financial possibilities at the beginning of the year; defective scientific methodical information providing system and coaches’ qualification development system. Verf.-Referat