Rengimasis Pekino olimpinėms žaidynėms: olimpinės rinktinės trenerių veiklos 2007 metų analizė

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Vorbereitung auf die Olympischen Spiele in Peking: Analyse der Aktivitäten der Trainer der Olympiamannschaft im Jahr 2007
Autor:Karoblis, Povilas; Raslanas, Algirdas; Poteliuniene, Sniegina; Briedis, Vytautas; Steponavicius, Kazys
Erschienen in:Sporto mokslas
Veröffentlicht:2008, 1=51, S. 8-16, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1392-1401, 2424-3949
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In the process of preparation to the Beijing Olympic Games, sport training technologies are being reassessed and developed every year. For this purpose it is necessary to search for new training technologies, to review data on training and to have reasoned critics of practical activities. Analysis of the information presented by coaches via questionnaires supplies us with information about the training technologies, regularities, qualitative and quantitative aspects of training loads of athletes members of the Olympic team. All issues of considered topic were grouped as follows: management of yearly sports training cycle, recording of training loads and competition activities, parameters of yearly training load, scientific and medical provision, scientific-methodical activities, technical provision according to the programme “Pekinas 2008”. Data derived from 49 coaches’ reports and properly processed informatively reflects purposefulness of sports training process in all stages of yearly training cycle, helps to become acquainted with training methodics aimed at the athletes’ performance peak at the Olympic competitions. Coaches, scientists, physicians, managers have the opportunity to analyse information on yearly Olympic cycle, to compare acquired data to the model requirements and achieved results, to test athletes and adjust their training process according to the test results and thus to assess present situation. Coaches of Lithuanian National Olympic Team must pay their attention to the tests of special fitness that are especially important for evaluation of competetitive activities and allows carrying out more objective prediction of results. Questionnaire poll of the coaches of National Olympic team is carried out every year, and analysis of it’s results assists in better control of the management of athletes preparation, in proper organising of coaches’ professional advancement, increasing their methodologic competence, providing them needed methodical-scientific assistance. Verf.-Referat