Laktatleistungskurve, Leistungsbeurteilung und Trainingssteuerung von Hochleistungssportlern im Mittel- und Langstreckenlauf

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Englischer übersetzter Titel:Lactate performance curve, performance assessment and training management of high-performance athletes in middle and long-distance running
Autor:Dickhuth, H.H.; Aufenanger, W.; Rokitzki, L.; Huonker, M.; Keul, Joseph
Herausgeber:Boening, D.; Braumann, Klaus-Michael; Busse, M.W.; Maassen, Norbert; Schmidt, W.
Erschienen in:Sport - Rettung oder Risiko für die Gesundheit? 31. Deutscher Sportärztekongress, Hannover 1988
Veröffentlicht:Köln: Dt. Ärzte-Verl. (Verlag), 1989, 1989. S. 467-470, Abb., Lit., Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

Recent investigations have mainly concentrated on comparison of lactate performance curves and endurance performance limits. The relationship between the lactate performance curve and other training intensities has yet been not sufficiently investigated. 24 top athletes and 10 athletes of comparable performance performed a treadmill test and 14 of them an additional field test to determine the anaerobic threshold. Furthermore lactate was determined from 14 athletes during paced distance and repeated runs (long distance runner) and during and after a series of under distance runs in competition pace (middle distance runner). As the result the individual anaerobic threshold can be determined equally by laboratory tests and field tests (r = 0,92). The paced runs can be defined on the basis of the anaerobic threshold; their various intensities can be controlled by lactate measurements. Verf.-Referat