Ammoniak als Parameter fuer unterschiedliche Muskelfaserbeteiligung im Kurz- und Mittelstreckenbereich

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Englischer übersetzter Titel:Ammonia as a parameter for different muscle fiber participation in short- and medium- distance events
Autor:Sehling-Werle, K.M.; Schneider, S.; Hageloch, W.; Weicker, H.
Herausgeber:Boening, D.; Braumann, Klaus-Michael; Busse, M.W.; Maassen, Norbert; Schmidt, W.
Erschienen in:Sport - Rettung oder Risiko für die Gesundheit? 31. Deutscher Sportärztekongress, Hannover 1988
Veröffentlicht:Köln: Dt. Ärzte-Verl. (Verlag), 1989, 1989. S. 328-332, Abb., Lit., Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

Ammonia and lactate levels of sprinters (n = 11) and medium-distance runners (n = 12) were examined in a field test over 200 m and 1000 m. After 200 m ammonia increase in sprinters was significantly higher (p < 0.05 'directly aferwards' and p < 0.01 '5 min afterwards) than in medium-distance runners. After 1000 m ammonia increase was lower than in 200 m and showed no significant difference between the groups. Lactate was on the same level after 200 m in both groups, after 1000 m the medium-distance runners exceeded the sprinters in lactate increase. The pronounced ammonia increase in sprinters over 200 m is probably caused by a higher amount and recruitment of IIB-fibers. Over the 100 m run these fibers are less recruited. We refer the higher lactate increase in medium-distance runners to a discipline-specific higher performance. A bicycle ergometer test with maximal exercise until exhaustion confirms these results. In sprinters ammonia increase in relation to the time of exercise also exceeded those of medium-distance runners probably caused by a higher percentage of IIB-fibers. These findings suggest that ammonia is suitable for training control or performance control in short-distance runs. Verf.-Referat