Harmonising the knowledge about biomedical side effects of doping

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Leiter des Projekts:Peters, Christiane (Technische Universität München / Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft / Lehrstuhl Sport und Gesundheitsförderung, Tel.: 089 289-24573, peters at lrz.tum.de); Schulz, Thorsten (Technische Universität München / Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft / Lehrstuhl Sport und Gesundheitsförderung, Tel.: 089 289-24574, schulz at lrz.tum.de); Michna, Horst (Technische Universität München / Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft / Lehrstuhl Sport und Gesundheitsförderung, Tel.: 089 289-24570, michna at lrz.tum.de); Oberhoffer, Renate (Technische Universität München / Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft / Lehrstuhl Sport und Gesundheitsförderung); Schönfelder, Martin (Technische Universität München / Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft / Lehrstuhl Sport und Gesundheitsförderung)
Forschungseinrichtung:Technische Universität München / Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft / Lehrstuhl Sport und Gesundheitsförderung
Finanzierung:Europäische Union
Format: Projekt (SPOFOR)
Projektlaufzeit:01/2002 - 12/2002


Education by sports automatically implements drug free sports regarding fairness in training and competition of all participants. The frequent abuse of doping substances with the aim of enhancement of physical performance represents a high risk potential especially for children and adolescents. Sport and fitness possess high importance for lifestyle of young people and by this makes abuse of doping substances inviting. According to international literature sports associated drug abuse in children and adolescents is frequent.
Violation of ethics and health side effects are the main risks of doping. Moreover, use of potentially dangerous and prohibited substances is not only a problem of high elite but also of recreational or fitness sports. Range of nutritional supplements in fitness sports combined with easy access to other performance enhancing drugs lower inhibition threshold to ingest something unaware that some of the abused drugs could bear an addictive potential.
Uniform statements concerning health side effects of doping substances are the basis of credibility and a central requirement of pedagogic strategies for the fight against doping. Therefore, on the one hand international knowledge of biomedical side effects of doping will be harmonized and updated within an international symposium. On the other information material about health side effects of doping and drug abuse already developed within earlier European projects should be developed will be advanced and supplemented with regard to different age-groups, the addictive potential and gender specific differences. These information material will be made available on an interactive internet platform as well as for downloading in the languages of all member states in order to be used within educational lessons in school as well as within educational programs of associations with the aim to protect young people.
Foliensammlungen in drei Schwierigkeitsstufen zur Schulung über gesundheitliche Nebenwirkungen durch Doping wurden in den EU-Sprachen als Download zur Verfügung gestellt:
Eine interaktive Website zur Aufklärung über gesundheitliche Nebenwirkungen durch Doping wurde in zahlreichen EU-Sprachen zur Verfügung gestellt: