Harmonising the knowledge about biomedical side effects of doping

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Leiter des Projekts:Peters, Christiane (Technische Universität München / Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft / Lehrstuhl Sport und Gesundheitsförderung, Tel.: 089 289-24573, peters at lrz.tum.de); Schulz, Thorsten (Technische Universität München / Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft / Lehrstuhl Sport und Gesundheitsförderung, Tel.: 089 289-24574, schulz at lrz.tum.de); Michna, Horst (Technische Universität München / Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft / Lehrstuhl Sport und Gesundheitsförderung, Tel.: 089 289-24570, michna at lrz.tum.de)
Forschungseinrichtung:Technische Universität München / Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft / Lehrstuhl Sport und Gesundheitsförderung
Finanzierung:Europäische Union
Format: Projekt (SPOFOR)
Projektlaufzeit:01/2001 - 12/2001


In regard to the public knowledge to the side effects of a doping in competitive sports there is a tremendous lack of information in Europe. This issue is well reflacted in media where reports on side effects of a doping in competitive sports just report on death after doping but do not touch the severe side effects of a doping for instance with anabolic steroid hormones. It is therefore the goal of this proposal to collect the informations and to provide overniews on the possible side effects of a doping in competitive sports in regard to medical and psychological effects of athletes both during the years of competition and the long term effects. Special emphasis should be given to provide these informations to all European countries. Beside the metabolic aspects of a drug abuse the side effects both in adulthood and in childhood will be analysed using also the informations provided by the historical analysis of a doping in the former DDR. In addition, the actual problems of an uptake of compounds from the environment with hormonal potential, side effects and consequences for doping tests will be discussed. The current issues of a doping in competitive sports with the focus on biomedical and psycholocical aspects will be analysed by experts in a one day international symposium at the german sports university in Cologne: this symposium will be open for the public. In addition: a monograph (in English) will overview all speeches and will serve as an aid to initiate lectures at the university of the co-organisers on the touched issues. Finally, our efforts could also be useful to extend these lectures to other universities with the goal to enhance the informations on possible side effects in doping anabolic hormones. The integration of neighbouring universities and partner universities in the project will create a network and will serve as a further multiplying effect.