Zur Zusammenhang zwischen visueller Aufmerksamkeit und Expertise in Sport

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Englischer übersetzter Titel:The relationship between visual attention and expertise in sports
Leiter des Projekts:Memmert, Daniel (Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln / Institut für Kognitions- und Sportspielforschung, Tel.: 0221 4982-4320)
Forschungseinrichtung:Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln / Institut für Kognitions- und Sportspielforschung
Finanzierung:Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Format: Projekt (SPOFOR)
Projektlaufzeit:01/2006 - 12/2008


Given the prevalence of misperception and failed perception, particularly in attention-demanding team sports, surprisingly few studies have explored whether experts in team sports differ from other athletes and from non-athletes in their basic attention abilities. In this project, we examined such group differences using a battery of three attention tasks: a functional field of view task, a multiple-object tracking task, and an inattentional blindness task. Team sports experts showed no better performance on these tasks than did athletes from non-teams sports or novice athletes, suggesting that sports expertise effects are unrelated to basic differences in attention - expertise does not appear to produce differences in basic attention and basic differences in attention do not appear to predict eventual expertise.