Turnover of Whole Body Glycogen and Physical Activity in Man

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Leiter des Projekts:Tappy, Luc (Université de Lausanne / Institut de Physiologie, Tel.: 021 3132853)
Mitarbeiter:Schneiter, Philippe
Forschungseinrichtung:Université de Lausanne / Institut de Physiologie
Finanzierung:Eidgenössische Sportschule Magglingen
Format: Projekt (SPOFOR)
Projektlaufzeit:01/1993 - 12/1994


Physical exercise increases insulin sensitivity by unknown mechanisms. We test the hypothesis that physical exercise stimulates muscle glycogen synthesis and breakdown and modulates the activity of the enzyme responsible for glycogen synthesis. Glycogen kinetics in vivo are estimated from indirect calorimetry and tracer technology.


* The simultaneous use of indirect calorimetry to measure whole body glucose oxidation and of the monitoring of 13 CO2 during administration of 13 c labeled carbohydrates allow to estimate whole body glycogen kinectics. * Physical activity enhances muscle glucogen kinetics. * The stimulation by physical activity of glycogen kinetics is larger when exercise is performed in the fasting versus the fed state.