Muscle glycogen in man after acute exposure to lithium and insulin

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Muskelglykogen beim Menschen nach intensiven Gaben von Lithium und Insulin
Autor:Ingemann-Hansen, T.; Halkjaer-Kristensen, J.
Erschienen in:The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness
Veröffentlicht:18 (1978), 2, S. 101-106, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0022-4707, 1827-1928
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The effects of acute exposure of 32 mmol lithium chloride and of 16 I.U. insulin on muscle glycogen (vastus lateralis) given on separate occasions were studied in 10 healthy young males. The results were compared with those of a control experiment. No significant changes were observed in the total glycogencontent two and four hours after the exposure. Lithium exerted a significant decrease in serum phosphate and an insignificant decrease in serum glucose. Insulin exerted a highly significant decrease in serum glucose as well as in serum phosphate. It is concluded that one dose of lithium as well as one dose of insulin in clinically tolerable doses exert a significant alteration as detected on serum level, whereas the total muscle tissue concentration of glycogen is not affected in the human organism. Verf.-Referat