Assessment physical load of dockers in a worker cooperative

Autor: Hernán D. Zapata; Gloria L. Arango; Luz M. Estrada
Sprache: Spanisch
Veröffentlicht: 2011
Quelle: Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Articles
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Manual labourers are workers whose job consists of humping goods. Task commonly related to a varied level of mechanical stress due both to its mechanical stress demand and the workplace risk factors. Objectives: to determine the level of exposure to physical workload amongst a sample of manual labourers who work at the factory of food concentrate for animal. To propose general administrative control and working atmosphere measures. Methodology: a study of descriptive observational type by convenience was carried out. The sample consisted of 41 manual labourers who were administered a socio-demographic survey in order to know the population characteristics. To those fulfilling the inclusion criteria, a heart rate monitoring was used. Afterwards, the Frimat method was administered to determine the levels of exposure to physical work load according to workload rates. Statistical analysis favoured was descriptive and non-parametric (Chisquare χ ) Results: two out of the four work sites under study constitute the most representative workload to personnel. While the study, the three labourers (100%) shoving and 14 (63.6%) out of the 22 labourers loading goods up and down ranged from hard to extremely tough levels of workload. Conversely, 11(91.7%) labourers carrying raw material and 4 (100%) sewing sacks were placed under a low level ranging between a minimal and bearable workload. Discussion: the kinds of job as well as the activities related to it affect the level of physical workload. Personal factors can have an influence upon physical workload.