Posterior symphyseal spurs – an unusual differential diagnosis in athletes with groin pain

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Posteriore Symphysen-Sporne – eine ungewöhnliche Differentialdiagnose bei Sportlern mit Leistenschmerzen
Autor:Hopp, Sascha Jörg; Ojodu, Ishaq; Pohlemann, Tim; Kelm, Jens
Erschienen in:The physician and sportsmedicine
Veröffentlicht:43 (2015), 2, S. 150-154, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0091-3847, 2326-3660
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Abstract des Autors

We set out to highlight the significance of posterior symphyseal spurs as an unusual diagnostic possibility in athletes with chronic groin pain and to demonstrate that operative resection was successful in quickly and safely returning the patients to sporting activities. Five competitive nonprofessional male athletes, three soccer players, and two marathon runners (median age: 30 [26/33] years), who presented to us with significant groin and central pubic pain with duration of at least 12 months, and who had failed conservative or surgical interventions (symphyseal plating), were evaluated. Physical examination as well as pelvic radiographs confirmed the diagnosis of posterior symphyseal spurs. Four out of five athletes underwent complete resection of the spur. Size of spurs was 2.2 (1.3/2.9) cm (median) with four of them posterosuperiorly and one posterocentrally located. All of them had uneventful postoperative recovery period and were still pain-free at the latest follow up after 26.6 months (24/30). Median time-to-return to competitive sports level was 10 weeks (8/13). None of the patients developed pubic instability due to symphyseal spur resection. The results of considerable postoperative improvement in our patients highlight the significance of posterior symphyseal spurs as a diagnostic possibility in athletes with chronic groin pain.