Physical self-concept and physical activity enjoyment in elementary school children

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Körperliches Selbstkonzept und Genuss von körperlicher Aktivität bei Grundschulkindern
Autor:Lohbeck, Annette; Tietjens, Maike; Bund, Andreas
Erschienen in:Early child development and care
Veröffentlicht:186 (2016), 11, S. 1792-1801, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0300-4430, 1476-8275
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Abstract des Autors

The present study examined gender differences and relationships of seven specific domains of physical self-concept (PSC) (Strength, Endurance, Speed, Flexibility, Coordination, Global Sport Competence, and Appearance) and physical activity enjoyment (PAE) in 447 elementary school children by self-report questionnaires. Boys reported higher self-concepts of Strength, Endurance, Speed, Coordination, and Global Sport Competence than girls. Conversely, girls showed higher self-concepts of Flexibility than boys. Moreover, all seven specific domains of children's PSC and PAE were positively interrelated and children's self-concepts of Endurance and Global Sport Competence predicted their PAE. Implications for physical education targeting to enhance children's PSC and PAE are discussed.