Trenerių, vaikų ir tėvų sqveika kaip trimatė ugdomoji sistema

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Trainer, Sportler und Eltern als dreidimensionales pädagogisches System
Autor:Lisinskienė, Aušra; Šukys, Saulius
Erschienen in:Sporto mokslas
Veröffentlicht:2016, 1=83, S. 23-27, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1392-1401, 2424-3949
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Abstract des Autors

Motivated participation of parents, children and coaches in youth sports activities create an effective educational system. This system can be described as a continuous process of positive interaction between the three elements of the system. Recent studies however show that such a three-dimensional education system is underdeveloped, is not positive enough and could be more effective if certain social instruments were used: more active engagement of parents in youth sports activities; pressure on children were replaced by motivation in psychologically favourable environment; coaches had continuous learning possibilities. The article analyses how this system functions, what is the educational effect of the collaboration between children, coaches and parents. The goal of the article is to disclose the characteristics of educational interaction of children, coaches and parents in youth sports activities. The following research methods are applied: scientific literature analysis and generalization methods. Scientific literature analysis revealed the importance of the three constituents of the education system. Parents choose the educations methods to be used in the training of their child’s abilities and skills. Parents’ interest in the child’s sports activities creates positive emotions, builds better relations with the child, creates the need to improve knowledge of sport and education, changes parents’ understanding about the quality of leisure time, and modifies their lifestyle. The role of coaches is revealed through the possibility to encourage the interaction of parents and children in sport, change the understanding of children and also of parents about the importance of sport as the means of education. Acting as a moderator, intermediary and a consultant, the coach can assist in developing education traditions in the family based on mutual respect, understanding and collaboration of the coach and parents, and commitment to share the responsibility for youth education. The level, degree and continuation of the child’s participation in sports activities depend on material and psychological support of the parents, physical and emotional wellbeing of the child, the coach’s positive education strategy, competence and authority. Therefore, the analysed system can be described as a triangle made of three interacting elements: children, parents and coaches. Positive emotional development of the child and willingness to train can only be ensured by open and conscientious collaboration of the three parties. Although recently significant attention to the role of parents and coaches of children in sports was given by the researchers globally, the research is more important for the designing of educational programmes and methodologies that promote a more effective interaction between children, coaches and parents. The analysis of literature sources revealed that the majority of the surveys and studies are cross-sectional. That proves the relevance of multifaceted and longitudinal research into the change of relations between children, coaches and parents in the sporting environment.