The expulsion of Michael Rasmussen from the Tour de France 2007 : a manifestion of the ideal of a level playing field?

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Der Ausschluss von Michael Rasmussen von der Tour de France 2007 : die Bekanntmachung des Ideals gleicher Wettbewerbsbedingungen?
Autor:Møller, Verner
Erschienen in:Doping and anti-doping policy in sport : ethical, legal and social perspectives
Veröffentlicht:London: Routledge (Verlag), 2011, S. 200-216, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
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The author's case study explores and, to a certain extent, exposes the biggest anti-doping scandal in the history of the Tour de France. The 2007 event of the world’s most famous cycling race underwent a dramatic and completely unexpected outcome when the leader, Michael Rasmussen, was expelled from the race just hours after he had won the most gruelling mountain stage, which would have effectively sealed his overall victory. This was the end result of an active and noisy media campaign that boiled up around him when it was revealed that he had received warnings for whereabouts failures from the Danish anti-doping authorities. The author presents the facts behind the turmoil and demonstrates, on one reading of the rules at least, that the expulsion was not strictly justified by the violation of sporting regulations. It also shows how inconsistent international management of the whereabouts rules played a crucial role in the development of the situation. Accordingly, he draws attention to the need for evaluation of the legal procedures behind the sanctions system. Aus der Einleitung