A simplified and accurate method for the analysis of urinary metabolites of testosterone-related steroids using gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Eine vereinfachte und akurate Methode für die Analyse der Metaboliten von Testosteron-verwandten Steroiden mittels Gaschromatographie-Isotopenverhältnis-Massenspektrometrie
Autor:Ouellet, Alexandre; LeBerre, Nicolas; Ayotte, Christiane
Erschienen in:Recent advances in doping analysis (20) : Proceedings of the Manfred-Donike-Workshop ; 30th Cologne Workshop on Dope Analysis ; 26th February to 2nd March 2012 2. Variante
Veröffentlicht:Köln: Sportverl. Strauß (Verlag), 2012, S. 76-81, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
Online Zugang:
AU  - Ouellet, Alexandre
A2  - Ouellet, Alexandre
A2  - LeBerre, Nicolas
A2  - Ayotte, Christiane
DB  - BISp
DP  - BISp
KW  - Biochemie
KW  - Doping
KW  - Dopinganalyse
KW  - Dopingnachweis
KW  - Gaschromatographie
KW  - Massenspektrometrie
KW  - Screening
KW  - Steroid
KW  - Testosteron
KW  - Untersuchungsmethode
KW  - Urin
KW  - Urinausscheidung
KW  - Urinuntersuchung
LA  - eng
PB  - Sportverl. Strauß
CY  - Köln
TI  - A simplified and accurate method for the analysis of urinary metabolites of testosterone-related steroids using gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry
TT  - Eine vereinfachte und akurate Methode für die Analyse der Metaboliten von Testosteron-verwandten Steroiden mittels Gaschromatographie-Isotopenverhältnis-Massenspektrometrie
PY  - 2012
N2  - The determination of the exogenous origin of urinary metabolites through the measurement by GC-C-IRMS of their carbon isotopic signature (δ13C) is widely used to confirm the administration of steroids related to testosterone and prohibited in sports. The rigorous analytical conditions required to perform accurate measurements have often dictated the selection of the final most intense metabolites, androsterone (A) and etiocholanolone (Etio), potentially limiting its efficacy. In fact, their alteration is less marked and persistent than for testosterone (T) itself and 5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol (5α-Adiol) or 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol (5α-Adiol), which on the other end are present in much lower amount and hence, more difficult to test reliably. We have developed a one-step HPLC purification of seven diagnostic urinary metabolites (target steroids: TS, hydrolyzed glucuronides): T, DHEA, 5β-Adiol, 5α-Adiol, epitestosterone (E), A, Etio and two endogenous reference compounds (ERC), pregnanediol (pgdiol) and 5α-androst-16-en-3β-ol (16-enol). These steroids are pooled in three fractions and analyzed without derivatization. With regards to the GC-C-IRMS analysis, a multi-level isotopic calibration using the ‘identical treatment’ principle was found to provide results for purified reference steroids with a precision ≤ 0.17 and accuracy of ≤ 0.30 ‰(between assay, n=26). Compared to other common endogenous reference compounds, those selected in this study have δ13C values close to the testosterone metabolites which, along with the proposed isotopic calibration, produced reference intervals within ± 3 ‰ for most diagnostic TS-ERC pairs, in compliance with the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Agency. Verf.-Referat
SP  - S. 76-81
BT  - Recent advances in doping analysis (20) : Proceedings of the Manfred-Donike-Workshop ; 30th Cologne Workshop on Dope Analysis ; 26th February to 2nd March 2012 2. Variante
M3  - Gedruckte Ressource
ID  - PU201308005788
ER  -