Значимость военно-прикладной физической подготовки для допризывной молодежи

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Russischer transliterierter Titel:Značimost’ voenno-prikladnoj fizičeskoj podgotovki dlja doprizyvnoj molodeži
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Die Bedeutung der militärischen Körperertüchtigung für Wehrdienstpflichtige
Englischer übersetzter Titel:The role of applied military physical training for young prospective conscripts
Autor:Popkov, A.A.
Erschienen in:Teorija i praktika fiziceskoj kul'tury
Veröffentlicht:2013, 5, S. 64-66, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

The process of applied military physical training is generally activated for the 16- 17-year-olds and for a limited contingent of pupils. The increase of mental and physical loads while implementing tactical missions by military men rise essentially the requirements to the level of development of special physical qualities of applied military orientation in young prospective conscripts and draftees. The purpose of the study was to make a sociological analysis of the attitude of prospective conscripts to applied military physical training. The full course of preliminary military training in conditions of training camps and patriotic clubs was done only by 8.8 % of respondents, 30.8 % respondents participated partially and 60.4 % of pupils did not visit training camps. According to the questionnaire, only single respondents (I0-15-year-olds - 38,1 %, 16- 17-year-olds - 16,5 %) consider military service their civil duty and many (10-15-year olds 53.1 %, 16-17-year-olds - 74,7 %) try to dodge the conscription. Most of the respondents (10-15-year-olds - 60,5 %, 16-17-year-olds - 69.2 %) agreed that physical self-perfection, coping with difficulties in extreme situations, ability to realize motor capacities, development of moral and volitional qualities, formation of firmness and courage, readiness to defend Motherland are the key directions of training of pupils for military service. The materials of the study reveal a number of problems in the course of physical training of young prospective onscripts: many young men have an insufficient level of physical activity, poor health and physical fitness, high anxiety level, reluctance of military service, lack of confidence in an extreme situation. Verf.-Referat