Дальневосточной государственной академии физической культуры - 45 лет

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Russischer transliterierter Titel:Dal'nevostočnoj gosudarstvennoj akademii fizičeskoj kul'tury - 45 let
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Die Fernöstliche Akademie für Körperkultur wird 45 Jahre
Englischer übersetzter Titel:45th anniversary of Far eastern state academy of physical culture
Autor:Lepešev, V.P.; Galicyn, S.V.
Erschienen in:Teorija i praktika fiziceskoj kul'tury
Veröffentlicht:2012, 8, S. 3-7
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

The created 45 years ago university is the first specialized higher educational institution of such a profile in the Russian Far East. For 45 years the university had turned into an educational-scientific-sports complex, taking an active place in social-economic development of the Far East federal district, in the training centre, growth of qualification and additional training of personnel for the sphere of physical culture and sport, the base for researches in the field, to the place of training of sports reserve and elite athletes for national teams, to the center of expert-analytical support of the processes of development of physical culture and sport in the federal district. Nowadays the academy trains on "Physical culture" and specialties of "Physical culture and sport', "Adaptive physical culture", "Recreation and sports-recreational tourism". For the time of its existence the university had passed a complicated but fruitful way. The priority direction of development of Far Eastern state academy of physical culture is intensification of the educational process. Electronic educative resources, in particular e-textbooks, slides and videolectures, multimedia presentations are created and introduced for information support. All the stipulated requires using of the principles of strategic management, realization of the program of development, directed to further modernization of the university activity by solving new tasks. Verf.-Referat