In-vitro metabolism of GW1516 and implementation of its major metabolites in routine doping controls

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:In-vitro-Metabolismus von GW1516 und Implementierung seiner Hauptmetaboliten in die Routine-Dopingkontrollen
Autor:Möller, Ines; Thomas, Andreas; Beuck, Simon; Rodchenkov, Grigory; Bornatsch, Wolfgang; Geyer, Hans; Schänzer, Wilhelm; Thevis, Mario
Erschienen in:Recent advances in doping analysis (18) : Proceedings of the Manfred-Donike-Workshop ; 28th Cologne Workshop on Dope Analysis , 7th to 12th March 2010
Veröffentlicht:Köln: Sportverl. Strauß (Verlag), 2010, S. 17-26, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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The PPARδ-agonist GW1516 is categorized as a gene doping substance by the World Anti-Doping Agency due to its upregulation of genes associated with oxidative metabolism and a modified substrate preference potentially resulting in an improved athletic performance. To enable the detection of abuse in sport via analysis of urine specimens, the phase-I and -II metabolism of GW1516 was simulated by an in-vitro assay. Two oxygenated metabolites (sulfoxide and sulfone) were identified as main phase-I metabolites as well as one hydroxylation and the respective monoglucuronides of GW1516 and the oxygenated metabolites as phase-II metabolites. As the sulfoxide and the sulfone were both excreted in urine, they were chosen as target analytes and successfully implemented in routine doping control procedures. Verf.-Referat