“Acrobatic Salsa“ in Germany – adoption process and body norms

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:„Akrobatischer Salsa“ in Deutschland – Aneignungsprozess und Körpernormen
Autor:Vagt-Keßler, Silke
Erschienen in:Local sport in Europe : proceedings of the 4th EASS conference 31.05. - 03.06.2007 in Münster
Veröffentlicht:Münster: Waxmann (Verlag), 2009, S. 134-144, Lit.
Herausgeber:European Association for Sociology of Sport
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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In Germany, one finds an implementation of salsa dancing that is characterized by the use of acrobatic elements. In this article, the author asks for the social reasons of this behaviour and discusses "Acrobatic Salsa" with the body habits and commitment of performance of German culture. The author will specify this central phenomenon of the salsa scene with a heuristic model by Strauss and Corbin with a link to Grounded Theory Methodology (GTM). To interpret this phenomenon, the author will analyse its social context, the strategies of acting, its consequences and its causes. In the author's field work in the city of Cologne, the author used a mixture of methods like expert interviews referring to the local salsa scene, observational research in salsa clubs and problem focused interviews with dancers. Verf.-Referat (geändert)