Background to the 1940 fifth olympic winter games in Sapporo: Issues concerning the amateur status of skiers

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Hintergründe der fünften Olympischen Winterspiele 1940 in Sapporo: Aspekte der Amateurbestimmungen für Skifahrer
Autor:Tahara, Junko
Erschienen in:Von Chamonix bis Turin : die Winterspiele im Blickfeld der Olympiaforschung
Veröffentlicht:Kassel: Agon-Sportverl. (Verlag), 2006, S.193-202, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
Online Zugang:
AU  - Tahara, Junko
A2  - Tahara, Junko
DB  - BISp
DP  - BISp
KW  - Amateurbestimmung
KW  - Amateurismus
KW  - Internationales Olympisches Komitee
KW  - Japan
KW  - Krieg
KW  - Olympische Spiele
KW  - Organisationskomitee
KW  - Planung
KW  - Skilehrer
KW  - Sportgeschichte
KW  - Winterspiele, olympische
LA  - jpn
PB  - Agon-Sportverl.
CY  - Kassel
TI  - Background to the 1940 fifth olympic winter games in Sapporo: Issues concerning the amateur status of skiers
TT  - Hintergründe der fünften Olympischen Winterspiele 1940 in Sapporo: Aspekte der Amateurbestimmungen für Skifahrer
PY  - 2006
N2  - Upon mentioning the Sapporo Winter Olympics, many people are likely to remember the incident in which Karl Schranz, a well-known Austrian skier, who was disqualified just before the opening of the 11th Games in 1972. Looking back more than 30 years to 1940, it was also an issue concerning the amateur status of skiers that shook the fifth Olympic Winter Games, which were scheduled to take place in Sapporo. This paper discusses the debate concerning the amateur status of skiers, an important element to understanding the 1940 fifht Olympic Winter Games, which where cancelled because of the Japan-China War. The objectives of this article are to clarify the confrontation between the IOC and the International Ski Federation (FIS) concerning the qualifications for ski instructors to participate that arose in the process of Japan pursuing the games to determine the understanding of this issue on the part of the Japanese participants.  Verf.Ref.
SP  - S.193-202
BT  - Von Chamonix bis Turin : die Winterspiele im Blickfeld der Olympiaforschung
M3  - Gedruckte Ressource
ID  - PU200909005032
ER  -