Sport in space and time: Contributions to the 11th international seminar for sociology of sport

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Sport in Raum und Zeit: Beiträge zum 11. Internationalen Kongress für Sportsoziologie
Herausgeber:Weiss, Otmar; Schulz, Wolfgang
Veröffentlicht:Wien: 1995, 320 S., Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Monografie
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Der Kongressbericht ist neben der Einleitung (Beitrag [1]) in vier Hauptteile untergliedert: I. Historische und soziale Aspekte von Raum, Zeit und Sport. II. Die Rolle von Raum und Zeit im Sport. III. Die soziale Verwendung von Raum und Zeit. IV. Offene Beiträge. Die Titel und Autoren der Einzelbeiträge lauten wie folgt: [1] Sport in space and time: “Civilizing processes”, trajectories of state-formation and the development of modern sport (Dunning, E.). [2] The societal construction of space and time as sociology’s way home to philosophy. Sport as paradigm (Eichberg, H.). [3] Colonisation of open spaces by sports. Historical aspects of cycling in Austria (Eder, E. G.). [4] The finite and the infinite in time and space and their relevance to sport (Krättli, I.). [5] Tennis in Vienna from 1878 to 1914. A historical-sociological analysis with special emphasis on spatial and temporal aspects (Norden, G.). [6] Ephemeral sport (Penz, O.). [7] Professional fell-running in Northern Britain: Negotiations with the dominant sports culture (Kew, F. K.). [8] Categories of the ethics of sport (Krawczyk, Z.). [9] The christian concept of the body: Ethical and institutional implications (Kosiewicz, J.). [10] Moral standards and values in the discussion about doping in sports (Franke, E.; Bockrath, F.). [11] Marginal play: Sport at the borderlands of time and space (Shore, B.). [12] An economic of sociological analysis of time in voluntary sports organizations (I) (Heinemann, K.). [13] An economic of sociological analysis of time in voluntary sports organizations (II) (Schubert, M.). [14] “Time is money” in active sport participation (Taks, M.; Renson, R.; Vanreusel, B.). [15] The use of autobiographies in sport sociology: A pilot study (Szabo Földesi, G.). [16] A socio-biographical approach to the study of masculinity and sport injury (Curry, T. J.). [17] The careful reclaiming of social space: A study of amateur male bodybuilders (Gillett, J. B.). [18] Sport in the youth phase is an itinerary (Puig, N.). [19] Physical exercise in the city (Schulz, W.). [20] Sports and urban planning. Sports behavior as a basis for sports facilities development planning (Bach, L.). [21] Degradation in rural areas of Japan in relation to the sport resort construction boom (Matsumara, K.). [22] The player, the spectator, and the viewer: Some ballpark figures (Morrisdon, K.). [23] Localism, globalisation and English football: The case of BSKYB (Williams, J.). [24] Popular culture in inter-war Vienna: On Football and the cinema (Horak, R.). [25] The “second culture” of football. Notes on a “forgotten” sport (Marschik, M.). [26] The baseball park as a mythical space – The myth of Japanese high school baseball and individual’s memories (Shimizu, S.). [27] Doing cross-cultural research – Practical and methodological challenges and advantages (Fasting, K.). [28] Sport as a theatre? Some ambiguities of the segmented world of sportscape (Bale, J.). [29] Blazing trails – Conflict between communities and landowners in the development of new trails: A Southern Ontario case study (Donnelly, P.). [30] From Bambi to Rambo: Towards a socio-ecological approach to the pursuit of outdoor sports (Vanreusel, B.). [31] The right of common access to the countryside (Oittinen, A.). [32] Sports as an environmental problem. Comments on the concept of nature in the debate on the ecology of sports (Bachleitner, R.). [33] Concepts of time and concepts of man: Does the case of sport show how man both creates and falls falls victim to his image of time? (Weis, K.). [34] Problems of Austrian skiing resorts as demonstrated by the example of the region of Saalbach-Hinterglemm (Rauchbauer, U.; Weiss, O.). [35] Ski tourism in Austria: The identity-creating potential of skiing regions (Weiss, O.). [36] Motivation for competitive sport of top level athletes in different sport events (Herva, H.; Lyytinen, T.). [37] The relationship with nature among athletes in competitive sports (Lyytinen, T.; Herva, H.) [38] Census of sports facilities in the Spanish autonomous region of Castilla y León. The preparation of the survey and the data collection process (Estapé Tous, E.; Mópez-Moya, M.). [39] Boxing – A deadly show (Prokop, L.). [40] The relation of attitudes of sport participation, leisure-time and life-space on females. A study of attitude differences by type of housing conditions (Yajima, M.). [41] Leadership analysis of the power elite in sport and its relationship to the power elite in culture, business and politics (Olin, K.; Nykänen, E.; Olin, N.). [42] Organized sport and young immigrants: The possibilities of integration (De Knop, P.; Van Puymbroeck, L.; Theeboom, M.; Van Engeland, E.). [43] Effects of physical activities on job satisfaction and productivity among workers (Burn-Jang Lim; Seong-Tae Chung; Chung-Hee Chung; Tong-Jin Kim; Chul-Soo Chung; Ae-Joo Lee; Tae-Won Jeon; Sung-Chul Lee; Jin-Kyung Park). [44] The value of physical education in urban spaces (Wanat, S.). [45] Sport, national identities and the “British”: Problems of old empire, the new Europe and globalization (Maguire, J.). [46] Personal experiences and organised sport. Comparison between participants and dropouts (Sisjord, M.-K.). [47] Influences of sport participation on familism among Korean collegiate students (Woo-Sung Kim; Beom-Sik Kim; Jin-Kyung Park). [48] Sport and health. Problems of causality and interdependence (Lüschen, G.; Cockerham, W.; Kunz, G.). Inhaltsverzeichnis