Estimation of cardiorespiratory endurance in young adult men using 12-min submaximal treadmill walk/run test

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Bestimmung der kardiopulmonalen Ausdauer junger Maenner aus einem 12 Minuten dauernden submaximalen Gehen/Laufen-Test auf dem Laufband
Autor:Kumagai, M.; Nakagaichi, M.; Nishijima, T.; Tanaka, K.
Erschienen in:Japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine
Veröffentlicht:46 (1997), 2, S. 179-188, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0039-906X, 1881-4751
Online Zugang:
AU  - Kumagai, M.
A2  - Kumagai, M.
A2  - Nakagaichi, M.
A2  - Nishijima, T.
A2  - Tanaka, K.
DB  - BISp
DP  - BISp
KW  - Ausdauertest
KW  - Belastung, submaximale
KW  - Belastungswahrnehmung
KW  - Berechnung
KW  - Gehen
KW  - Kapazität, aerobe
KW  - Laufbandergometrie
KW  - Laufen
KW  - Leistungsdiagnostik
KW  - Sportmedizin
LA  - jpn
TI  - Estimation of cardiorespiratory endurance in young adult men using 12-min submaximal treadmill walk/run test
TT  - Bestimmung der kardiopulmonalen Ausdauer junger Maenner aus einem 12 Minuten dauernden submaximalen Gehen/Laufen-Test auf dem Laufband
PY  - 1997
N2  - The purpose of this study was to clarify the validity of 12-min submaximal treadmill walk (TMW) and run (TMR) tests, as indirect measures of cardiorespiratory endurance, and to develop estimation equations of cardiorespiratory endurance using TMW or TMR performance and some other useful items correlating with cardiorespiratory endurance. Fifty-one young adult men, aged 20 to 34 years (22.8+/-3.6), walked or ran for 12 minutes on the treadmill at the intensity corresponding to the level 13 on the Borg's ratings of perceived exertion (RPE 13), and performed a maximal incremental exercise test. Mean (+/-SD) of oxygen uptake corresponding to anaerobic threshold (VO2AT) and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) were 42.0+/-9.0 ml/kg/min and 55.9+/-7.4 ml/kg/min, respectively, and mean (+/-SD) of 12-min walk and run distances were 1221+/-103 m and 2108+/-269 m, respectively. Cardiorespiratory endurance indices (VO2AT and VO2max) significantly correlated with TMW (r=0.49 and 0.48, respectively) and with TMR (r=0.69 and 0.68, respectively). A stepwise multiple regression analysis was applied to determine the estimation equations of the cardiorespiratory endurance using VO2AT or VO2max as a dependent variable, and TMW or TMR distance, age, resting heart rate (HRrest), and exercise frequency in a week as independent variables. The multiple regression equations of VO2AT and VO2max were developed as follows: When TMW distance entered as an independent variable, VO2AT = 20.781 X1 + 2.298 X3 - 0.297 X4 + 31.855 (r=0.83, SEE=5.33 ml/kg/min); VO2max = 19.941 X1 + 1.127 X3 - 0.208 X4 - 0.656 X5 - 0.853 X6 + 77.884 (r=0.88, SEE=3.96 ml/kg/min), and when TMR distance entered as an independent variable, VO2AT = 15.443 X2 + 2.158 X3 - 0.157 X4 + 14.234 (r=0.90, SEE=4.18 ml/kg/min); VO2max = 10.817 X2 + 1.274 X3 - 0.1946 X4 - 0.504 X5 + 55.234 (r=0.89, SEE=3.79 ml/kg/min), where X1: TMW distance (m), X2: TMR distance (m), X3: exercise frequency in a week (d/wk), X4: HRrest (b/min), X5: age (yr) and X6: BMI. It is concluded that cardiorespiratory endurance could be better estimated by a combination of submaximal exercise performance and some easily measurable items correlating with cardiorespiratory endurance such as exercise frequency, circulatory function, chronological age and body composition.   Verf.-Referat
SP  - S. 179-188
SN  - 0039-906X
JO  - Japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine
IS  - 2
VL  - 46
M3  - Gedruckte Ressource
ID  - PU199710207673
ER  -