Der Vergleich zwischen konzentrischer und exzentrisch/konzentrischer isokinetischer Arbeitsweise hinsichtlich des Muskelaufbaus im Rehabilitationsprozess nach Knieverletzungen

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Englischer übersetzter Titel:A comparison between concentric and eccentric/concentric physical work with regard to muscle atrophy in rehabilitation of knee injuries
Autor:Nagel, P.; Frick, U.; Herbek, B.; Dahlinger, M.; Foehrenbach, R.; Lohrer, Heinz; Schmidtbleicher, Dietmar; Boehmer, D.
Erschienen in:Sport und Medizin pro und contra / 32. Deutscher Sportärzte-Kongress, München 1990
Veröffentlicht:München: Zuckschwerdt (Verlag), 1991, S. 313-315, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different types of physical isokinetic strength training during rehabilitation of knee injuries. Eighteen male subjects took part in a four-week isokinetic-concentric (co.) or isokinetic-eccentric/concentric (ec./co.) force-endurance training of the hamstring of the injured leg. The physical, respectively physiological effects of training (work (J), force (N), i.e. blood lactate concentration (mmol/L)) were measured before, during the course, and after the strength training. The essential results are as follows: 1. The increase of force-endurance (isokinetic -eccentric and isokinetic-eccentric/concentric) was significantly higher in the ec./co, group (p<0.05). 2. We found a trend to a higher increase of isometric maximum force in the ec./co. group (n.s.). 3. Lactate concentration was highly significant, i.e. significantly lower at isokinetic-eccentric, respectively isokinetic-eccentric/concentric work (p<0.001 resp. p<0.01) in relation to isokinetic-concentric work. Verf.-Referat