Adaptation to eccentric exercise: effect on CD64 and CD11b/CD18 expression

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Anpassung an exzentrische Muskelarbeit: Auswirkung auf die CD64- und die CD11b/CD18-Expression
Autor:Pizza, Francis X.; Davis, Bruce H.; Henrickson, Steven D.; Mitchell, Joel B.; Pace, John F.; Bigelow, Nancy; DiLauro, Paul; Naglieri, Thomas
Erschienen in:Journal of applied physiology
Veröffentlicht:80 (1996), 1, S. 47-55, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:8750-7587, 0021-8987, 0161-7567, 1522-1601
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Abstract des Autors

The primary purpose of the study was to examine circulating neutrophils and monocytes and their plasma membrane expression of CD64, CD11b, and CD18 after two bouts (B1 and B2) of eccentric exercise. Subjects (n=10) performed 25 forced-lengthened contractions of the forearm flexors on two occasions separated by 3 wk. Blood samples were obtained before exercise and at 1.5, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h of recovery. CD64, CD11b, and CD18 expression was determined via direct immunofluorescence and used as an indicator of neutrophil and monocyte activation. Creatine kinase activity (B1 = 1,390, B2 = 108 U/l), myoglobin (B1 = 163, B2 = 41, ng/dl), and muscle soreness and tenderness were higher after B1 compared with B2. Neutrophils at 6, 12, and 96 h were higher for B1 vs. B2. CD11b expression on neutrophils was 2.7-fold higher at 72 h for B1 vs. B2. CD64 expression on neutrophils at 72 and 96 h was 1.4- and 1.9-fold higher, respectively, for B1 vs B2. At 72 and 96 h, CD18 and CD64 expression on monocytes was 1.3fold higher for B1 vs. B2. The observed changes were not significantly correlated with changes in creatine kinase activity or myoglobin. In conclusion, the adaptation to eccentric arm exercise was associated with a reduction in circulating neutrophils and a lower state of neutrophil and monocyte activation. Verf.-Referat