Laktat, Glukose, Triglyzeride, Glycerin und freie Fettsaeuren bei Belastung unter glykogenreichen und glykogenarmen Bedingungen

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Englischer übersetzter Titel:Lactate, glucose, triglycerides, glycerol and free fatty acids during exercise in glycogen depleted and repleted conditions
Autor:Busse, M.W.; Maassen, Norbert; Konrad, H.; Boening, D.
Herausgeber:Boening, D.; Braumann, Klaus-Michael; Busse, M.W.; Maassen, Norbert; Schmidt, W.
Erschienen in:Sport - Rettung oder Risiko für die Gesundheit? 31. Deutscher Sportärztekongress, Hannover 1988
Veröffentlicht:Köln: Dt. Ärzte-Verl. (Verlag), 1989, 1989. S. 323-327, Tab., Lit., Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

Blood- and plasma concentrations of lactate (<Lac>), glucose (<Gluc>), triglycerides (<Tg>), glycerol (<Glyc>) and free fatty acids (<FFA>) during rest and exercise were measured in five endurance trained men after glycogen depletion (Test 1) and after the following glycogen loading (Test 2). Results: during and after exercise, <Lac> was significantly higher in Test 2, indicating a higher glycogen breakdown than in Test 1, and <FFA> was significantly lower as a result of impairment of lipolysis. The opposite holds for Test 1. <Gluc>, <Tg> and <Glyc> point to the same direction, though the differences were not always significant. It is concluded that blood and plasma concentrations of the measured substrates, including lactate, do not characterize the endurance capacity. Rather they give an impression of the respective state of nutrition and metabolism. Verf.-Referat