First report of snowboard neurological injury in winter sports during a 14-year prospective winter sports study

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Erster Bericht ueber neurologische Verletzungen durch Snowboardfahren , gewonnen aus einer ueber 14 Jahre gehenden prospektiven Wintersportstudie
Autor:Harris, J.B.
Erschienen in:Clinical sports medicine
Veröffentlicht:1 (1989), 1, S. 45-56, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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A total of 430 acute sport injury cases with neurological involvement caused by skiing and associated alpine sports were studied over the last 15 years. A new mechanism was seen in 1985, that of snowboard injury. Recent experience with such neurological injuries prompted an unsuccessful literature search relating to snowboards. Since snowboard injury is increasing, we considered it of possible interest to report our initial experience with snowboards in three such cases - including (1) traumatic seizures, (2) cervical spine injury with transient quadriplegia, and (3) a case of brain injury, with saggital sinus laceration and serious haemorrhage. A brief account of the evolution of snowboarding and a review of its relationship to the overall spectrum of winter sports neurological injury is included. Reports of snowboard injuries presently are anecdotal, and currently include no fatalities, however, it appears that snowboarding injuries will exhibit a neurological injury spectrum similar to that seen in skiing. Verf.-Referat