A hypothetical model for strength training

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Ein hypothetisches Modell fuer das Krafttraining
Autor:Stone, Michael H.; OBryant, Harold; Garhammer, John
Erschienen in:The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness
Veröffentlicht:21 (1981), 4, S. 342-351, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0022-4707, 1827-1928
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The model is an attempt to conform to the concepts of training periodization and specificity of training. The model consists of four phases: (1) Hypertrophy, high volume-low intensity, (2) Basic Strength, moderate volume high intensity, (3) Strength-Power, low volum every high intensity (special subphases include maintenance and peaking), (4) Active Rest, very low volume - very low intensity. A review of the literature indicates that three sets of six repetitions maximum, 3 days/week is the generally recommended method of attaining maximal strength increases. However a short term comparison (6 weeks) showed the model to be superior in producing gains in the squat (1 RM), squat/kg body weight and power as measured using the vertical jump and Lewis formula. Additionally two observations of the practical use of the model with high caliber athletes are presented. Six Olympic style weightlifters were observed at three competitions about 3 months apart. The 3 lifters training according to the concepts of the model showed greater improvement compared to the three using traditional methods. The second observation used a high school Americanstyle football team. The players using the strength training model produced greater gains (bench press, squat and power) than the players using 3 x 6 RM over a 12 week period. Verf.-Referat (gekuerzt)