Development of a Training Curriculum of Diagnostic Mathematics Test Construction for a Primary School Mathematics Teacher

Autor: Pornpen Rittilun; Sompong Srikallaya; Samarn Ekkapim
Sprache: Thailändisch
Veröffentlicht: 2019
Quelle: Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Articles
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The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop the training curriculum of diagnostic mathematics test construction for a primary school mathematics teacher and 2) to study the results in using the training curriculum of diagnostic mathematics test construction for a primary school mathematics teacher. The study of results were divided into three parts, which were 1) the part of knowledge and understanding, 2) the ability of diagnostic mathematics test construction 3) the Supervision by coaching and mentoring techniques in applying knowledge gained in student development and 4) the satisfaction of primary school mathematics teachers to the training curriculum. The process of training curriculum was divided into two periods. The first period was the construction and development of curriculum. The second period was the usage and evaluation of curriculum. The samples were 15 primary school mathematics teachers (Level: Prathom4 to Prathom 6), who were in Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area 3 in the 1/2015. The instruments of this research were 1) the training curriculum of diagnostic mathematics test construction for a primary school mathematics teacher 2) the knowledge test of diagnostic mathematics test construction 3) the evaluation form of diagnostic mathematics test construction result 4) the supervision observation, behavior, teachers, trainees and 5) the satisfaction questionnaire of the sampling teachers towards the training curriculum of diagnostic mathematics test construction for an primary school mathematics teacher. Results of the research are as follows. 1. The results in developing the training curriculum of diagnostic mathematics test construction for a primary school mathematics teacher consisted of the problems and necessary factors of training curriculum, the principles of training curriculum, the purposes of training curriculum, the structures and details of training curriculum, the training curriculum activities, the training curriculum participants, the media technology of training ...