Improving the conditions of regional hemodinamics of the eyes as a method of treatment in optic neuropathy at short-sightedness of high degree.

Autor: N. G. Zavgorodnyaya; O. O. Denisova; N. A. Vesnina; N. A. Kudinova- Savchenko
Sprache: Englisch; Russisch; Ukrainisch
Veröffentlicht: 2014
Quelle: Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Articles
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The aim of research. To increase treatment efficacy in optic neuropathy with high myopia by performing revascularization operations in order to improve the performance of regional hemodynamics of the eyeball and improve of visual functions. Materials and methods. The study involved 56 patients (78 eyes) with high myopia in age from 18 to 36 years, 32 were men (57.1% ), 24 - women (42.9% ). All patients underwent standard ophthalmologic examination, had nonprogressive form of myopia with signs of optic neuropathy . Exclusion criteria were : myopia more than 6.0 diopters , progressive form of the disease , opaque optical surroundings, clinically significant comorbidity (glaucoma, diabetes, etc.). Study group comprised 28 patients (32 eyes). Complex of medications included vasodilators, nootropics and neuroprotective agents , vitamins. Compression bandaging of the superficial temporal artery was used with revascularization purpose. The control group consisted of 28 patients (46 eyes) who received a similar course of drug therapy. Examination of patients in both groups were performed before treatment and after 1, 6 and 12 months. Results. In the main group positive changes in visual acuity and visual fields was more pronounced and more cases of negative dynamics during the observation period were recorded. Patients in the control group in most cases achieved stabilization of the process, there was a negative trend of visual function during long-term follow-up. Analyzing the performance of retinal tomography HRT II for the reporting period in the study group noted the absence of further thinning of the nerve fibers. In the control group had a negative trend 8 eyes ( 17.39 %) having an average thickness loss of retinal nerve fibers was 0,007 ±0,00046 mm( 7.12 % of the initial level) . Prior to treatment the linear velocity of blood flow was reduced and averaged speed was 28,77 ±4,12 cm/ sec , and the resistance index increased (averaged 0,9 ± 0,08). Significant increase in the rate of blood circulation in the ...