The Assessment of Students’ Physical Shape in the Context of Physical Education Modernization

Autor: Valeriy Hryhoriev; Valeriy Smulskii
Sprache: Englisch; Polnisch; Ukrainisch
Veröffentlicht: 2017
Quelle: Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Articles
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The Urgency of the Research. The prospect of modernization of the process of physical education in higher educational establishments and the improvement in students’ physical shape is made by providing with football classes as a part of campus sports club activity. The aim of the Research – is to analyze and to assess the students’ physical shape in the context of the modernization of current physical education in higher educational establishments by means of campus football sport club classes. Results of the Research. It is specified that a low level of physical fitness and middle level mostly were natural for students of the control group while students of the experimental group were characterized by the sufficient and high levels. None of the students of both groups had more than middle and high levels of the somatic health. 43,75 % of students in the control group and 31,25 % of students in the experimental group are characterized by a low level of the somatic health. Students in the experimental group are characterized by better statistical average rates of physical ability than students in the control group. According to the defined grading levels of physical ability, none of the students had low or high-level rates. Rates of health and fitness physical activity in experimental group students were accurately higher than in control group students. Conclusions. Campus football sport club classes have more influence on the physical shape of student youth, i.e. improve the level of physical fitness, somatic health, health and fitness physical activity and physical ability in general.