The Level of Anger and Aggressive Behavior amongst High Level of Soccer, Volleyball and Basketball Players in Palestine

Autor: Abdelnaser A.M.Qadumi; Jamal Shaker Salem
Sprache: Arabisch; Englisch
Veröffentlicht: 2017
Quelle: Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Articles
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This study aimed to determine the level of anger and aggressive behavior of soccer, volleyball and basketball players in Palestine. Furthermore, to determine the differences in the level of anger and aggressive behavior according to the type of sport, playing experience and international participation variables. The sample consisted of (147) players, Maxwell & Moores (2007 )twelve items scale was applied for the measurement of anger and aggressive behavior. The results of the study revealed a moderate level of anger where the percentage of response was (66.71%), and low level of aggressive behavior where the percentage of response was (54.17%). Also, the results indicated that the level of anger and aggressive behavior for soccer players was higher that of volleyball and basketball players, and lower for the players who participated at an international level compared with players who did not participated at that level. Furthermore, the results indicated that there were no significant influences of playing experience variable on the level of anger and aggressive behavior. Based on the findings of the study the researchers' recommended that coaches should give more attention towards determining the reasons that lead to the anger and aggression of players.