Indirect methods of estimating maximal oxygen uptake on the rowing ergometer

Autor: A Klusiewicz; J Faff
Sprache: Englisch
Veröffentlicht: 2003
Quelle: Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Articles
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The aim of the present study was to develop an indirect method of estimating maximal oxygen uptake in oarsmen and oarswomen on the rowing ergometer based on both the submaximal exercises and the commonly used in this sport maximal exercise-type test that simulates rowing the distance of 2000 m. Forty-four oarsmen and 27 oarswomen from both the national team and the direct back-up were enrolled in the investigations. Two exercise tests on the Concept II rowing ergometer were employed: the submaximal test with incremental power output (anaerobic threshold test) and the maximal test, simulating rowing the distance of 2000 m in the shortest possible time (2-km test). During both tests, oxygen uptake and heart rate were recorded and the highest values of these parameters registered during the 2-km test were regarded as the VO2max and HRmax indices, respectively. The linear relation of the oxygen uptake to the power output (W) on the ergometer was detected in both the male (VO2=1.1328+0.0113W) and female (VO2=0.6652+0.0128W) athletes. Comparison of the regression lines demonstrated statistically significant differences between the oarsmen and oarswomen with respect to the intercept and the slope of the lines. Mean values of the directly measured VO2max equaled to 5.48±0.59 and 3.68±0.31 l•min-1 in the groups of oarsmen and oarswomen, respectively. The most accurate predicted values of VO2max were obtained based on the linear regression of VO2max against the mean power output (WM) in the 2-km test using the following formulas: VO2max (l•min-1) in the males = 1.682+0.0097 WM; VO2max (l•min-1) in the females = 1.631+0.0088 WM. In the males, the difference between the measured and predicted VO2max (∆%), correlation coefficient (r), standard estimation error (SEE), and total error (TE%) equaled to 0.12±4.96 (NS), 0.889 (P<0.001), 0.274, and 4.9, respectively. In the females, these values equaled to 0.43±5.02 (NS), 0.801 (P<0.001), 0.19 and 4.95, respectively. Based on the submaximal exercises, the relatively accurate ...