The effects of cognitive intervention on reduction of pain intensity, changes in the heart rate and blood oxygen saturation level

Autor: Maryam Farrokhnia; Jalil Fathabadi; Shahriyar Shahidi
Sprache: Farsi
Veröffentlicht: 2011
Quelle: Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Articles
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Introduction: This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of cognitive intervention on the reported-pain intensity and changes in heart rate and blood oxygen saturation level of children with cancer under the LP/IT. Another goal is the study of the relationship between pain and changes in the heart rate and blood oxygen saturation level contributed to LP/IT. Material and Methods: This research was a pretest-posttest experimental design with a control group. 41 child–parent pairs were selected and randomly assigned to either an experimental or a control group. The children were visited twice. In the first visit, both groups were under routine hospital care and in the second visit, the experimental group received cognitive intervention and the control group received routine hospital care. Data were collected using a demographic questionnaire, Oucher Scale and pulse oximeter device and analyzed with Analysis of Covariance and Pearson correlation tests. Results: The results showed that the group effect is significant and the intervention was effective in reducing reported-pain intensity, decreasing heart rate and increasing blood oxygen saturation level during LP/IT. There was a significant positive correlation between reported-pain intensity and changes in the heart rate a significant negative correlation was found between reported-pain intensity and changes in blood oxygen saturation level. Conclusion: Cognitive interventions are effective in reducing reported-pain intensity, decreasing heart rate and increasing blood oxygen saturation level during LP/IT. We recommend the of use cognitive intervention in order to manage pain and reduce physiological changes.