Psychomotor Abilities of Professional Handball Players

Autor: Krzysztof Przednowek; Maciej Śliż; Justyna Lenik; Bartosz Dziadek; Stanisław Cieszkowski; Paweł Lenik; Dorota Kopeć; Katarzyna Wardak; Karolina H. Przednowek
Sprache: Englisch
Veröffentlicht: 2019
Quelle: Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Articles
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The main purpose of the paper was to evaluate selected psychomotor abilities of handball players depending on the competition class (league), position on the court, training seniority and the dominant hand. The study covered a group of 40 handball players (age: 24.02 ± 3.99), while 50 non-training men (age: 22.90 ± 1.13) formed the control group. Studies were performed using Test2Drive computer tests. The following four tests were used for measuring psychomotor fitness: simple reaction time test, choice reaction time test, hand-eye coordination test and spatial anticipation test. An analysis revealed that handball players had better reaction times and movement times than the control group. The league, position on the court, training seniority and the dominant upper limb were analysed for their impact on the reaction time and movement time in handball players. An analysis of psychomotor abilities of handball players with regard to the league revealed that in the majority of tests the Superliga players had a shorter reaction time than players in lower leagues.