The effect of repeated full immersion simulation training in ureterorenoscopy on mental workload of novice operators

Autor: Takashige Abe; Faizan Dar; Passakorn Amnattrakul; Abdullatif Aydin; Nicholas Raison; Nobuo Shinohara; Muhammad Shamim Khan; Kamran Ahmed; Prokar Dasgupta
Sprache: Englisch
Veröffentlicht: 2019
Quelle: Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Articles
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Abstract Background Difficult surgical procedures may result in a higher mental workload, leading to increased fatigue and subsequent errors. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of repeated simulation training in ureterorenoscopy in a high-fidelity setting on the performance and mental workload of novice operators. Methods Medical students voluntarily participated in the present simulation study. After a didactic and video-based lecture, they underwent simulation training involving a renal stone case, including a rigid cystoscope component (task 1, performing a WHO checklist, assembling a scope, and insertion of a guide-wire and an access sheath after examining the bladder) and a flexible ureterorenoscope component (task 2, retrieving a stone located in the upper calyx using a basket after inspecting the upper, middle, and lower calyx). Training was performed in a mock operating theater. Technical skills were assessed by one author (an experienced urologist) onsite using an Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS) score at each training session. The mental workload was subjectively evaluated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) questionnaire after each training session. Results Seventeen students completed a minimum of 6 training sessions (male: female = 10: 7, median age of 22) over a median of 21 days (range, 10–32). In both tasks 1 and 2, the OSATS score improved over the 6 sessions with evidence of plateauing (MANOVA model, task 1: p < 0.0001, task 2: p < 0.0001). In contrast, the NASA-TLX score persistently decreased without plateauing (task 1: p = 0.0005, task 2: p = 0.0028). Conclusions Under repeated simulation training in ureterorenoscopy in a high-fidelity setting, participants showed a continual decrease of the mental workload, while the improvement of technical skills reached a plateau over the 6 sessions. Our study showed the important benefit of simulation training to reduce the mental workload by repeated scenario ...