MR-imaging at the injuries of ligament structures of knee joint

Autor: P. S. Karusinov
Sprache: Russisch
Veröffentlicht: 2014
Quelle: Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Articles
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The aim of the research was to study possibilities of MR-imaging for estimation of posttraumatic changes in the knee joint. 660 patients with posttraumatic processes in the knee joint were examined, all of them had magnetic resonance imaging with use of tomographic scanners of various classes with magnetic field intensity from 0,5 to 1,5 TL. Abilities of MR-imaging in the estimation of ligamentous apparatus of knee joint at posttraumatic changes are showed. MR-imaging symptoms of changes of fibrocartilagenous, ligamentous, soft-tissue and bone structures at the injuries and posttraumatic complications of ligamentous apparatus of knee joint were specificated and completed that was the basis of differential diagnostics. The comparative assessment of MR-imaging and knee joint arthroscopy was also conducted. On the basis of principles of evidentiary medicine we showed the indices of the knee joint MR-imaging effectiveness at the posttraumatic changes. MR-imaging accuracy is 96 % for diagnostics of meniscus injuries, 90,5 % for diagnostics of ligaments injuries, 71 % for the changes of synovial layer and 37 % for the changes of articular cartilages.