The Physical Rehabilitation: a therapeutically field that links the Faculty of Physical Culture with the community

Autor: Deisy Milhet Cruz; Israel Rodrígues Gonzáles; Lino Curbelo Mujíca
Sprache: Spanisch
Veröffentlicht: 2017
Quelle: Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Articles
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The research project stands for a new glance to the integration school-community, this one is aimed at providing the theoretical-practical contents to the rehabilitation of individuals in the territory called Capitán San Luis based on a therapeutically field, it also contributes to the academic process in the faculty by facilitating the unit theory-practice. On behalf of the subjects comprising the discipline physical Culture and prophylactic taught by the members of the project. In this field are duly attended students, professors of the faculty, also members of the community nearby, by using equipment and means showed and validated in some scientific events. In brief this rehabilitation resource improves the quality of life of everyone who undergoes any of the treatments put into practice. Different methods were carried out just as observation, surveys and interviews. The expert criterion based on Delphi method, the pre experiment which means served for the diagnosis and the feasibility confirmation of the research.