Comparison of pre-workout nitric oxide stimulating dietary supplements on skeletal muscle oxygen saturation, blood nitrate/nitrite, lipid peroxidation, and upper body exercise performance in resistance trained men

Autor: Canale Robert E; McCarthy Cameron G; Trepanowski John F; Farney Tyler M; Bloomer Richard J; Schilling Brian K
Sprache: Englisch
Veröffentlicht: 2010
Quelle: Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ Articles
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Abstract Background We compared Glycine Propionyl-L-Carnitine (GlycoCarn ® ) and three different pre-workout nutritional supplements on measures of skeletal muscle oxygen saturation (StO 2 ), blood nitrate/nitrite (NOx), lactate (HLa), malondialdehyde (MDA), and exercise performance in men. Methods Using a randomized, double-blind, cross-over design, 19 resistance trained men performed tests of muscular power (bench press throws) and endurance (10 sets of bench press to muscular failure). A placebo, GlycoCarn ® , or one of three dietary supplements (SUPP1, SUPP2, SUPP3) was consumed prior to exercise, with one week separating conditions. Blood was collected before receiving the condition and immediately after exercise. StO 2 was measured during the endurance test using Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were determined at the end of each set. Results A condition effect was noted for StO 2 at the start of exercise (p = 0.02), with GlycoCarn ® higher than SUPP2. A condition effect was also noted for StO 2 at the end of exercise (p = 0.003), with SUPP1 lower than all other conditions. No statistically significant interaction, condition, or time effects were noted for NOx or MDA (p > 0.05); however, MDA decreased 13.7% with GlycoCarn ® and increased in all other conditions. Only a time effect was noted for HLa (p < 0.0001), with values increasing from pre- to post-exercise. No effects were noted for HR, RPE, or for any exercise performance variables (p > 0.05); however, GlycoCarn ® resulted in a statistically insignificant greater total volume load compared to the placebo (3.3%), SUPP1 (4.2%), SUPP2 (2.5%), and SUPP3 (4.6%). Conclusion None of the products tested resulted in favorable changes in our chosen outcome measures, with the exception of GlycoCarn ® in terms of higher StO 2 at the start of exercise. GlycoCarn ® resulted in a 13.7% decrease in MDA from pre- to post-exercise and yielded a non-significant but greater total volume load compared to all ...