Fix the fixing educational tool

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Veröffentlicht:Limerick, Belfast, Nikosia, Leeds, Wien, Athen, Doha 2017
Limerick, Belfast, Nikosia, Leeds, Wien, Athen, Doha
Limerick, Belfast, Nikosia, Leeds, Wien, Athen, Doha
Limerick, Belfast, Nikosia, Leeds, Wien, Athen, Doha
Limerick, Belfast, Nikosia, Leeds, Wien, Athen, Doha
Limerick, Belfast, Nikosia, Leeds, Wien, Athen, Doha
Limerick, Belfast, Nikosia, Leeds, Wien, Athen, Doha
Beteiligte Körperschaft:Kipriakós Organismós Athlitismoú; International Council for Coaching Excellence ; Verein zur Wahrung der Integrität im Sport; Sports Transparency and Integrity Protection of Greek Athleticism; International Centre for Sport Security
Forschungseinrichtung:Aristoteles Universität von Thessaloniki, Griechenland; University of Limerick ; Queen's University Belfast
Format: Internetquelle (Fachinfoführer Sport)
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online)
Dokumententyp: Thematische Website
Sprache:Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
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Abstract des Autors

Fix the Fixing will implement state-of-the-art scientific knowledge and methods to deliver the expected outputs. The design of the project involves the following steps:

Understand match fixing in sports: A mixed method design will be employed to collect data about match fixing. Athletes, coaches, executives, journalists and people involved in sports will complete surveys and take part in focus group interviews to better understand the psychological process underpinning match fixing and how it is done.
Develop an educational tool: Based on produced scientific evidence from our surveys and interviews, we will develop an innovative, web-based, and user-friendly educational tool. Our tool aims to provide updated information and resources about abstaining from match fixing.
Educate stakeholders and end-users: The developed educational tool will be used by stakeholders, and anyone involved in sports, education and policy-making, to educate people involved in sports about the harms of match fixing and how to abstain.