Stretch-shortening cycle exercises in young elite handball players : empirical findings for performance improvement, injury prevention, and practical recommendations

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Übungen zum Dehnungsverkürzungszyklus bei jungen Spitzenhandballspielern : empirische Erkenntnisse zur Leistungsverbesserung, Verletzungsprävention und praktische Empfehlungen
Autor:Granacher, Urs; Goebel, Ruben; Behm, David G.
Erschienen in:Handball sports medicine : basic science, injury management and return to sport
Veröffentlicht:Berlin: Springer (Verlag), 2018, S. 537-550, Lit.
Beteiligte Körperschaft:European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy ; European Handball Federation
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

Reactive strength exercises are characterized by muscle actions in the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) which is why reactive strength training is a specific form of SSC training. During the SSC, the pre-activated muscle is lengthened in the braking or plyometric phase (i.e., eccentric phase) followed by an immediate muscle shortening in the push off or myometric phase (i.e., concentric phase). However, it is to be assumed that 95% of sport-related movements are conducted in the SSC. Reactive strength training represents an effective mode of exercise to improve in particular throwing and jumping performances. It contributes positively to improved agility, speed of action, and other performance indicators in handball. Furthermore, reactive strength training supports positively the prevention of sport-related injuries, e.g., knee and ankle injuries, and helps to regain pre-injury performance level in athletes. A systematic and progressive training approach is presented during all stages of long-term athlete development to induce adaptive changes following reactive strength training and to increase the likelihood of transferring a talented young player into an elite athlete. The specific training variables of reactive strength training, such as exercise selection, training frequency, exercise order, training load and repetitions, and training volume as well as the technical correctness and movement quality of the exercise, have to be systematically controlled and gradually adjusted according to the development of the athletes.