Melatonin affects postural control in community-dwelling older adults while dual tasking : a randomized observation study

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Melatonin beeinflusst die Haltungskontrolle selbstständig lebender älterer Menschen beim Dual-Tasking : eine randomisierte Beobachtungsstudie
Autor:Lui, Ming Fung Godfrey; Chow, Hung Kay Daniel; Wong, Wai Ming Kenny ; Tsang, Wai Nam William
Erschienen in:Journal of aging and physical activity
Veröffentlicht:27 (2019), 1, S. 102-107, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1063-8652, 1543-267X
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Abstract des Autors

The effects of a single 3-mg dose of melatonin on the postural control and cognitive performance of community-dwelling older adults were documented. The testing involved stepping down while performing a cognitive task (a Stroop test). Thirty-four older adults were recruited. Immediately before and 1 hr after taking a dose of melatonin, they completed a single-leg standing task after stepping down with and without a simultaneous Stroop test, and a double-leg standing task. The findings indicated a statistically significant increase in sway area under the dual-tasking condition after taking melatonin (p = .04) and the double-leg standing task (p = .018). However, cognitive performance per se was not affected by the melatonin. Melatonin impairs postural control in older adults but not cognitive performance.