Translation reliability and test-retest reliability for elite athlete's injury risk factor questionnaire

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Chinesischer übersetzter Titel:優秀運動選手傷害風險因素問卷翻譯信度與再測信度分析
bisp.zhx.title:Yōuxiù yùndòng xuǎnshǒu shānghài fēngxiǎn yīnsù wènjuàn fānyì xìn dù yǔ zài cè xìn dù fēnxī
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Übersetzungszuverlässigkeit und Test-Retest-Zuverlässigkeit des Fragebogens für das Verletzungsrisiko von Elite-Sportlern
Autor:Wang, Victor C.; Mayer, Frank; Ottawa, Fabian; Wippert, Pia-Maria
Erschienen in:Sports & exercise research
Veröffentlicht:17 (2015), 2, S. 231 - 241, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online)
Sprache:Englisch, Chinesisch
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Abstract des Autors

The aims of this study were: (1) to develop an elite athlete's injury risk factor questionnaire (Risk-IQ) and to investigate its reliability in a pilot study. (2) to analyze translation reliability and construct validity of the Risk- IQ for two languages. (3) to assess test-retest reliability of the Risk-IQ. The first draft of the pilot study started with a draft Risk-IQ only on German sport students (n=46). Next, the four hundred and six items of the Risk-IQ were translated by four bilingual German/Chinese (Taiwan) professional translators in an 8-step forward-backward translation, and then tested for the following translation and test-retest reliability. The reliability results were assessed with college level sport students (n=63) before the main study for German and Taiwanese elite athletes (n=335). Descriptive statistics, intraclass-correlation-coefficient (ICC) and Spearman correlation coefficient (rho) for non-parametric tests were performed. Cronbach's alpha and Factor analysis evaluated for internal consistency and construct validity. The results indicated that the main outcomes derived from translation reliability and test-retest study were ICC: difficulty-forward=0.82, difficulty-backward=0.75; quality-(concept)-forward=0.74, quality-(concept)-backward=0.73; quality-(clarity)-forward=0.76, quality-(clarity)-backward=0.70; quality- (linguistics)-forward = 0.71, quality-(linguistics)-backward=0.59. A correlation coefficient of 0.97 was reached in bidirectional-translations. Leading to a combined forward-backward translation reliability correlation coefficient=0.86. The results further showed that test-retest reliability of both German and Chinese versions were of moderate to excellent levels (German-rho=0.70 ~ 0.94; Taiwan-rho=0.68 ~ 0.92). In addition, good internal consistency in the Risk-IQ main study was found with Cronbach's alpha ranging from .76 to .96. These findings conclude that Risk-IQ's German-Chinese bilingual, bi-directional translation reliability, test-retest reliability and construct validity reached good to excellent level.

Abstract des Autors

本研究目的在於一、建構一份優秀選手運動傷害風險因素問卷(elite athlete's injury risk factor questionnaire, Risk-IQ),並透過前導研究對其信度做調查,二、分析Risk-IQ兩種語文版本的翻譯信度與結構效度,三、評估Risk-IQ再測信度。前導研究的Risk-IQ問卷初版首先以德國運動主修大學生(n = 46)為測試對象。其次,406問卷項目經4位德中雙語專業翻譯員以八步驟雙向流程進行翻譯,再對其翻譯信度與再測信度做測試。335位德國與臺灣優秀選手正式調查前,Risk-IQ的再測信度以63位大專院校級選手進行測試。採用統計分析有描述統計、組內相關係數(intraclass-correlation-coefficient, ICC)、及針對無母群的Spearman相關係數(rho)考驗等。內在一致性與結構效度的評估採用Cronbach's α考驗及因素分析。研究結果顯示:翻譯信度與再測信度研究取得的主要成果為整體雙向翻譯ICC:難度前向=0.82、反向=0.75;品質概念前向=0.74、反向=0.73;品質清晰前向=0.76、反向=0.70;品質語言學前向=0.71、反向=0.59。前反向翻譯ICC皆達0.97。導致整合雙向翻譯信度相關係數=0.86。德中雙版再測信度皆達「良」到「優」水準(德版rho=0.70 ~ 0.94;臺版rho=0.68 ~ 0.92)。此外在稍後Risk-IQ主要研究中亦取得良好的內在一致性,Cronbach's α值範圍為.76到.96。本研究結論:Risk-IQ的德中雙語雙向翻譯信度,再測信度與結構效度皆達良至優水準。