Metastability in plyometric training on unstable surfaces : a pilot study

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Metastabilität im plyometrischen Training auf instabilen Oberflächen : eine Pilotstudie
Autor:Kibele, Armin; Classen, Claudia; Mühlbauer, Thomas; Granacher, Urs; Behm, David G.
Erschienen in:BMC sports science, medicine and rehabilitation
Veröffentlicht:6 (2014), Art.-ID 30, [11 S.], Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online)
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Abstract des Autors

Background: In the past, plyometric training (PT) has been predominantly performed on stable surfaces. The purpose of this pilot study was to examine effects of a 7-week lower body PT on stable vs. unstable surfaces. This type of exercise condition may be denoted as metastable equilibrium.
Methods: Thirty-three physically active male sport science students (age: 24.1 ± 3.8 years) were randomly assigned to a PT group (n = 13) exercising on stable (STAB) and a PT group (n = 20) on unstable surfaces (INST). Both groups trained countermovement jumps, drop jumps, and practiced a hurdle jump course. In addition, high bar squats were performed. Physical fitness tests on stable surfaces (hexagonal obstacle test, countermovement jump, hurdle drop jump, left-right hop, dynamic and static balance tests, and leg extension strength) were used to examine the training effects.
Results: Significant main effects of time (ANOVA) were found for the countermovement jump, hurdle drop jump, hexagonal test, dynamic balance, and leg extension strength. A significant interaction of time and training mode was detected for the countermovement jump in favor of the INST group. No significant improvements were evident for either group in the left-right hop and in the static balance test.
Conclusions: These results show that lower body PT on unstable surfaces is a safe and efficient way to improve physical performance on stable surfaces.