Vyāyama-Vigyāna in ancient India (Science of exercise in ancient India)

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Traniningswissenschaft im alten Indien
Autor:Deshpande, Suresh Harihar
Erschienen in:Bulletin : journal of sport science and physical education
Veröffentlicht:2016, 71 (Exercise and science in ancient times), S. 43-51, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Elektronische Ressource (Datenträger)
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Abstract des Autors

The science and technology developed in different areas like architecture, industry, metallurgy, agriculture, textile, civil-engineering etc. also included the vital areas of healthy life style and medicine in ancient India. “Āyurveda” was the term used for the science of health and medicine. The ancient texts written centuries ago on the subject of “Āyurveda” and some of the scriptures in the form of “Purānas” deal thoroughly with the science of Medicine and health including the science of exercise or “Vyāyāma Vigyāna”. Object of studying the science of medicine or “Āyurveda”, was to know the procedure of maintaining equilibrium of the body elements which contribute to the health of the individual. Health had received great significance in the life, because, it was firmly believed that without health and strength one cannot discharge one’s duties in life. The greatest endowment in one’s life was one’s health. The science of Āyurveda has two important purposes to serve: firstly, the preventive and restorative aspect of health, and the second one, the curative.” The first one was for the promotion and preservations of health and strength in the healthy and the second one was for the elimination of the disease in the ailing and afflicted. This paper deals with the first purpose of Āyurveda, since it discusses the science of positive health and exercise. This science covers the entire life span. From the pre-natal stage of the child to geriatric stage of life, instructions about maintenance and care of health are found given.