Muscular grip strength estimates of the U.S. population from the National Health And Nutrition Examination Survey 2011–2012

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Schätzungen der muskulären Greifkraft der amerikanischen Bevölkerung auf Basis des nationalen Gesundheits- und Ernährungsberichts 2011-2012
Autor:Perna, Frank M.; Coa, Kisha; Troiano, Richard P.; Lawman, Hannah G.; Wang, Chia-Yih; Li, Yan; Moser, Richard P.; Ciccolo, Joseph T.; Comstock, Brett A.; Kraemer, William J.
Erschienen in:Journal of strength and conditioning research
Veröffentlicht:30 (2016), 3, S. 867-874
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1064-8011, 1533-4287
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Abstract des Autors

The purposes of this study were to use the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study (2011–12) data to determine nationally representative combined handgrip strength ranges and percentile information by sex and age group, examine trends in strength across age by sex, and to determine the relative proportion of children and adults falling into established health benefit zones (HBZ). Results indicate that mean strength was greater among men than women and increased linearly for children and in a quadratic fashion among adults for both sexes. Grip strength peaked in the 30- to 39-year age group for both men (216.4 lbs) and women (136.5 lbs) with subsequent age groups showing gradual decline, p < 0.0001. Relative and absolute increases in grip strength were greater for men than for women, but relative decrease from peak strength was less among women than men. Although absolute strength was greater among men than women, HBZ data indicated that a higher percentage of men than women overall and at each age group fell into the needs improvement zone, with differences particularly pronounced during adolescence and older adulthood. These data provide the first nationally representative population estimates of combined handgrip strength and percentile information from childhood through senescence and suggest consideration of HBZ information in conjunction with grip strength to improve surveillance data interpretation and intervention planning.