A pilot study of the effect of Kinesiology tape on knee proprioception after physical activity in healthy women

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Eine Pilotstudie zu den Effekten von Kinesiologie-Pflastern hinsichtlich der Tiefensensibilität am Knie während des Spors bei gesunden Frauen
Autor:Hosp, Simona; Bottoni, Giuliamarta; Heinrich, Dieter; Kofler, Philipp; Hasler, Michael; Nachbauer, Werner
Erschienen in:Journal of science and medicine in sport
Veröffentlicht:18 (2015), 6, S. 709-713, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1440-2440, 1878-1861
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Abstract des Autors

Kinesiology tape has gained significant popularity in recent years and is widely used as an adjunct for treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries. However, evidence regarding its influence on knee proprioception is scarce. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Kinesiology tape on knee proprioception after physical activity in healthy women. It was hypothesized that Kinesiology tape enhances knee proprioception. Twelve young women with healthy knees were tested for knee proprioception without the use of Kinesiology tape and wearing Kinesiology tape at the knee. The joint position sense was measured at the start and after a 30-min uphill walking protocol on a treadmill. Outcome was the knee angle deviation. No significant difference of proprioceptive performance between the application with Kinesiology tape and without Kinesiology tape was found after uphill walking (p > 0.05). However, when the participants’ results for knee angle deviation were graded into good (<6.1°) and poor (>6.1°), Kinesiology tape significantly enhanced those with poor proprioceptive ability after uphill walking, compared to the untaped knee (p = 0.002). This study has shown that the application of Kinesiology tape did not improve knee proprioception in a group of healthy young women. However, it also has demonstrated that Kinesiology tape provided significant proprioceptive enhancement at the knee joint after uphill walking in healthy women with poor proprioceptive ability. This may support its use in sports medicine for preventing knee injuries.