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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Die Effizienz der Interaktion im Handball bei Mannschaften unterschiedlicher sozialer und psychologischer Reife
Autor:Meidus, Leonas; Mizeras, Renatas
Erschienen in:Sporto mokslas
Veröffentlicht:2013, 3=73, S. 32-39, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1392-1401, 2424-3949
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In contemporary world, sport appears as a very important factor giving impetus to human socialization process. Sport implements the need for activity and possibility for self-expression. Elements of creativity in this field provide great possibilities for personal maturity. A very important athletes’ preparation phenomenon in sport teams is players’ interaction and mutual understanding. Research in this aspect gives psychological background for players’ activity optimization. It is obvious that interaction of the players in sport games is the condition for effective activity and high results. It appears as a problem to be solved. The aim was raised to establish handball players (men) interaction efficiency in the teams of different social and psychological maturity level. Two Vilnius handball teams participated in the research: A – ‘VHC Šviesa’ (16 players) and B – ‘SM Tauras- Bičiuliai’ (24 players). In the first part of the research, social and psychological teams’ maturity level was established (SPTM). In the second part of the research, coeducational decisions making (CDM) methodic was employed to disclose players’ interaction efficiency. CDM methodic assisted in highlighting the main parameter in players’ interaction – FRC (functional roles’ coincidence) and two forms of its manifestation (PFRC (personal functional roles’ coincidence) and (IFRC (interpersonal functional roles’ coincidence). As showed the investigation, PFRC for ‘A’ team players with sufficient maturity level is remarkably higher comparing to team ‘B’ players, possessing insufficient maturity index (respectively 51,1% and 19,1%) (statistically significant difference p<0,001). Besides, the results of the investigation manifest difference of the chosen roles’ verification coefficient between the team players of different maturity levels (team ‘A’ – 48,5%, 52,6%, 49,2%; team ‘B’ – 18,2%, 17,5%, 21,7%). IFRC is evidenced in two aspects: a) adjustment of partner actions with other partners in self-regard; b) adjustment of partners’ actions in regard to partner. Those parameters are important when solving tactic objectives in game activity. The research in this part obviously disclosed higher differences in parameters in teams of different maturity level (team ‘A’ a) 65,3%, b) 75,6% and team ‘B’ a) 33,4% and b) 42,2%) (statistical reliability of differences p between teams ‘A’ and ‘B’ 1-p<0,001, 2-p<0,001). Analysis and comparison of the main players’ activity interaction parameters’ expression in the teams of different maturity level allows to state that the main role in handball players’ interaction is played by tactic decisions. Any tactic plan of the players is in connection with prognosis of their partners’ possibilities. Anticipation of partner’s actions is a process in which uncertainty in accepting coeducational decisions is eliminated. The players of the teams possessing sufficient maturity level demonstrated high level of ability to prognose, as they were able to perceive their partners’ actions prior to action performance. This means that adequate evaluation on self as well as on partners is the essential requirement in forming the project for future planning. Verf.-Referat