Build the test battery of visual–perceptual skills for female volleyball players

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
bisp.bul.title:Разработване на тестова батерия за визуално-перцептуалните способности на волейболистkи; Transliteration: Razrabotvane na testova baterija za vizualno-perceptualnite sposobnosti na volejbolistki
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Entwicklung einer Testbatterie für die visuellen Wahrnehmungsfähigkeiten von Volleyballspielerinnen
Autor:Farouk, Ghada; Moustafa, Rasha
Erschienen in:Sport & nauka
Veröffentlicht:57 (2013), 4, S. 144-151, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1310-3393, 0324-136X
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Abstract des Autors

Vision may be the most varied and selective of all the senses. Attempting to observe the fast movements that occur in sports places a great demand on human vision. There is evidence that vision plays an important role in the perceptual ability of an athlete, corresponding proportionately to his matter response. The aim of this study is to build the test battery of visual-perceptual skills for female volleyball players. One hundred and seven female volleyball player, with normal vision participated in the study. Subjects were required to read and complete a health questionnaire and informed consent document. There was no history of coronary heart disease, diabetes, or recent surgery in any study participant. At the end of the tests, statistical analysis indicated significant correlations for all measured visual variables: reaction time, hand-eye coordination, visual acuity, and visual cognitive skills. In conclusion visual test battery was built in this study. Verf.-Referat